Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  Theology (45) | Other (1) | | All nations of the earth blessed in Christ, a sermon at the ordination of J. Bowman ( 1762) | GB |  |   |
All nations of the earth blessed in Christ, the seed of Abraham: A sermon preached at Boston, at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Bowman, to the work of the Gospel-ministry, more especially among the Mohawk-Indians, on the western borders of New-England. August 31. 1762. By Charles Chauncy ... (John Draper, 1762) | GB |  |   |
All nations of the earth blessed in Christ, the seed of Abraham. [electronic resource] : A sermon preached at Boston, at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Bowman, to the work of the Gospel-ministry, more especially among the Mohawk-Indians, on the western borders of New-England. August 31. 1762. ( Boston : John Draper,, 1762) | IA |  |   |
The appeal to the public answered in behalf of the non-Episcopal churches in America : containing remarks on what Dr. Thomas Bradbury Chandler has advanced on the four following points. The original and nature of the Episcopal Office. Reasons for sending bishops to America. The plan on which it is proposed to send them. And the objections against sending them obviated and refuted. Wherein the reasons for an American Episcopate are shewn to be insufficient and the objections against it in full force ( Boston : Kneeland and Adams, 1768) | IA |  |   |
The Appeal to the public answered in behalf of the non-Episcopal churches in America : containing remarks on what Dr. Thomas Bradbury Chandler has advanced, on the four following points : the original and nature of the Episcopal office, reasons for sending bishops to America ; the plan on which it is proposed to send them ; and the objections against sending them obviated and refuted ; wherein that reasons for an American Episcopate are shown to be insufficient, and the objections against it in full force .. ( Boston : Kneeland and Adams, 1768) | IA |  |   |
The Benevolence of the Deity Fairly and Impartially Considered in Three Parts ( Boston : Powers & Willis, 1784) | GB | |   |
The Benevolence of the deity, fairly and impartially considered in three parts ... | | Boston : Powars & Willis, 1784 | IA |  |   |
Boston : Rogers and Fowle, 1784 | IA |  |   |
Breaking of bread : in remembrance of the dying love of Christ, a Gospel institution : five sermons in which the institution is explained, a general observance of it recommended and enforced, objections answered, and such difficulties, doubts, and fears relative to it particularly mentioned and removed ... ( Boston : Munroe & Francis, 1816) | IA |  |   |
Breaking of Bread, in remembrance of the dying Love of Christ, a gospel institution : Five sermons, in which the institution is explained, a general observance of it recommended and enforced, objection answered, and such difficulties, doubts, and fears, relative to it, particularly mentioned, and removed, which have too commonly discouraged some from an attendance at it, and proved to others a source of discomfort, in the regard they have endeaendeavoured to pay to it ( Boston : D. Kneeland, 1772) | IA |  |   |
Breaking of bread: in remembrance of the dying love of Christ, a Gospel institution : five sermons in which the institution is explained, a general observance of it recommended and enforced, objections answered, and such difficulties, doubts, and fears relative to it particularly mentioned and ... (Munroe & Francis, 1816) | GB |  |   |
Christian love, as exemplified by the first Christian Church, a sermon ( 1773) | GB |  |   |
A compleat view of episcopacy, : as exhibited from the fathers of the Christian church, until the close of the second century: : containing an impartial account of them, of their writings, and of what they say concerning bishops and presbyters; with observations, and remarks, tending to shew, that they esteemed these one and same order of ecclesiastical officers. : In answer to those, who have represented it as a certain fact, universally handed down, even from the apostles days, that governing and ordaining authority was exercised by such bishops only, as were of an order superior to presbyters. ( Boston : Daniel Kneeland, in Queen-Street, for Thomas Leverett, in Corn-Hill., 1771) | IA |  |   |
A Compleat view of Episcopacy, as exhibited from the Fathers of the Christian church until the close of the second century : containing an impartial account of them, of their writings, and of what htey say concerning Bishops and Presbyters ... ( Boston : Daniel Kneeland for Thomas Leverett, 1771) | IA |  |   |
A compleat view of episcopacy, as exhibited from the fathers of the Christian church, until the close of the second century : containing an impartial account of them, of their writings, and of what they say concerning bishops and presbyters; with observations, and remarks, tending to shew, that they esteemed these one and the same order of ecclesiastical officers. In answer to those, who have represented it as a certain fact, universally handed down, even from the apostles days, that governing and ordaining authority was exercised by such bishops only, as were of an order superior to presbyters ( Boston : Daniel Kneeland ... for Thomas Leverett ..., 1771) | IA |  |   |
A compleat view of episcopacy,: as exhibited from the fathers of the Christian church, until the close of the second century: : containing an impartial account of them, of their writings, and of what they say concerning bishops and presbyters; with observations, and remarks, tending to shew ... (Daniel Kneeland, in Queen-Street, for Thomas Leverett, in Corn-Hill., 1771) | GB |  |   |
A discourse occasioned by the death of the Reverned [sic] Jonathan Mayhew, D.D.late Pastor of the West-Church in Boston: who departed this life on Wednesday morning, July 9. 1766, aetatis 46. Delivered the Lord's-Day after his decease. ( Boston : R. and S. Draper, Edes and Gill, and T. and J. Fleet., 1766) | IA |  |   |
Divine glory brought to view in the final salvation of all men. : A letter to the friend to truth ( Boston : T. and J. Fleet, at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, 1783) | IA |  |   |
Five dissertations on the Scripture account of the fall, andits consequences ( London : C. Dilly, 1785) | IA |  |   |
The idle-poor secluded from the bread of charity by the Christian law: a sermon preached in Boston, before the Society for Encouraging Industry, and Employing the Poor ; Aug. 12. 1752 ( Boston : Thomas Fleet, 1752) | n/a |  |   |