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Henry Hammond (1605-1660)
TraditionAnglican, Arminian-RemonstrantReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (93 titles, 114 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (114)
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Thirty-one sermons preached on several occasions, vol. 3 (Oxford : Parker, 1847)
Thirty-one Sermons Preached on Several Occasions, Part 1 (Parker, 1849)
To the Right Honourable the Lord Fairfax and his councell of warre, the humble addresse of Henry Hammond (London : Richard Royston in Ivie-lane, 1649)
To the right honourable, the Lord Fairfax, and his councell of warre the humble addresse of Henry Hammond. (London : Richard Royston ..., 1649)
To the Right Honourable: The Lord Fairfax and his councell of warre; the humble addresse of Hnery Hammond (London : R. Royston, 1649)
Tracts (Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Henry Hall, 1645)
A view of some exceptions to the practical catechisme from the censures affixt on them by the ministers of London, in a book entituled A testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, &c. (London : Rich. Royston ..., 1650)
A view of some exceptions which have been made by a Romanist to the Ld Viscount Falkland's discourse Of the infallibility of the Church of Rome submitted to the censure of all sober Christians : together with the discourse itself of infallibility prefixt to it. (London : J.G. for R. Royston ..., 1650)
A view of the nevv directorie and a vindication of the ancient liturgie of the Church of England in answer to the reasons pretended in the ordinance and preface, for the abolishing the one, and establishing the other. (Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Henry Hall ..., 1646)
A vindication of Dr. Hammonds addresse &c. from the exceptions of Eutactus Philodemius, in two particulars concerning [brace] the power supposed in the Jew over his owne freedom, the no-power over a mans own life ; together with a briefe reply to Mr. Iohn Goodwins Gbeisodikai, as far as concernes Dr. Hammond. (London : R. Royston ..., 1649)
A vindication of the ancient liturgie of the Church of England wherein the several pretended reasons for altering or abolishing the same, are answered and confuted (London : Austin Rice ..., 1660)
A vindication of the dissertations concerning episcopacie from the answers, or exceptions offered against them by the London ministers, in their Jus divinum ministerii evangelici (London : J.G. for Richard Royston ..., 1654)
The whole duty of man: laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one thereof being read every Lord's Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year ; necessary for all families ; with private devotions for ... (John Eyre, and sold by W. Mount and T. Page, and the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1735)
The works of the reverend and learned Henry Hammond, D.D. The fourth volume containing A paraphrase & annotations upon the Psalms : as also upon the (ten first chapters of the) Proverbs : together with XXXI sermons : also an Appendix to Vol. II. (London : T. Newcomb and M. Flesher, for Richard Royston ... and Richard Davis, 1684)
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