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Francis Blackburne (1705-1787)
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Primary Sources (22 titles, 31 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The works, theological and miscellaneous ... of Francis Blackburne... : with some account of the life and writings of the author by himself (Cambridge : B. Flower)
Vol. 5 (1804)
Vol. 6 (1804) IA 
Vol. 7 (1804) IA 
The works, theological and miscellaneous-- of Francis Blackburne: with some account of the life and writings of the author by himself, vol. 1 (B. Flower, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 1 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 2 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 3 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 4 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 5 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 6 (Cambridge, 1804)
The works, theological and miscellaneous, including some pieces, not before printed / 7 (Cambridge, 1804)
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