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John Willison (1680-1750)
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Sacramental meditations and advices : grounded upon Scripture texts; proper for communicants, to prepare their hearts, excite their affections, quicken their graces, and enliven their devotions, on sacramental occasions ... Together with a short Christian directory; and a variety of Scripture songs for Zion's travellers ... ([Troy?] : S. Quackenbush, Jun., 1821)
Sacramental meditations and advices grounded upon Scripture texts: proper for communicants, to prepare their hearts, excite their affections, quicken their graces and enliven their devotions on occasions ... Together with a short Christian directory ... To which are added (by way of appendix) I ... (booksellers, 1793)
Sacramental meditations and advices, for the use of communicants, in preparing their hearts, and exciting their affections, on sacramental occasions: And, a Christian directory, consisting of forty Scripture directions proper for all those intending heaven (C. & .R. King, 1854)
Sacramental meditations and advices, grounded upon scripture texts : proper for communicants ... : together with a short Christian directory, and a variety of Scripture songs ... : to this edition is added The young communicant's catechism, with a proposal for public renewing of the baptismal covenant (Philadelphia : D. Hogan, 1816)
Sacramental meditations and advices, grounded upon scripture texts, proper for communicants: to prepare their hearts, excite their actions, quicken their graces, and enliven their devotions on sacramental occasions ... To which is added a short Christian directory, consisting of forty-five ... (Bonsal & Niles, for the Rev. William Pryce, 1803)
Sacramental meditations and advices, grounded upon Scripture-texts, proper for communicants. Together with a short Christian directory (Ogle, Allardice and Thomson, 1767)
Sacramental meditations and advices: grounded upon Scripture texts; proper for communicants, to prepare their hearts, excite their affections, quicken their graces, and enliven their devotions, on sacramental occasions ... Together with a sort Christian directory; and a variety of Scripture ...
S. Quackenbush, Jun., 1821GB 
Sacramental meditations and advices: with a short Christian directory (Congregational Board of Publication, 1857)
A treatise concerning the sanctification of the Lord's Day ...: To which are added ... meditations for the Sabbath-day, proper for families ... (J. Boardman, G. J. Loomis & Co., 1820)
A treatise on the sanctification of the Sabbath; to which is added, A brief history of the Church of Scotland (Edinburgh : J. Pillans and Son for John Bourne, 1819)
The whole works of the Reverend and learned Mr. John Willison, late minister of the gospel at Dundee. ... (J. Moir for J. Dickson, 1799)
The young communicant's catechism
Russell and Martien, 1831GB 
Philadelphia : Russell and Martien, 1831IA 
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