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« Zachary Pearce (1690-1774)
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John Pearson (1613-1686)
TraditionAnglicanReference | DNB1Academic TitleLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity, Cambridge (1661-1673)
Primary Sources (29 titles, 63 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (2) | Theology (61)
Results 21-40
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An exposition of the Creed (London : J.M. for J. Williams, 1683)
An Exposition of the Creed (London : Roger Daniel, 1659)
An exposition of the Creed
London : Williams, 1676BSB 
New York : D. Appleton & Company, 1853IA 
New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1850IA 
New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1859IA 
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1797GB 
2nd ed. / ed. Edward Burton (University Press, 1843)GB 
2nd ed. / ed. Temple Chevallier (University Press, 1859)GB 
3rd ed. / ed. Edward Burton (University Press, 1847)GB 
4th ed. / ed. Edward Burton (University Press, 1857)GB 
6th ed. / ed. Edward Burton (Clarendon Press, 1877)GB 
10th ed. / 1715GB 
10th ed. / London, 1715GB 
11th ed. / London : Knaplock, 1723GB 
An exposition of the Creed ...
Baynes, 1821GB 
An Exposition of the Creed ... A new edition. Edited by the Rev. C. Bradley ... With a biographical sketch of the author, and a list of his works (Clarendon Press, 1864)
An exposition of the Creed, revised and corrected by T. Chevallier, 2nd ed., ed. Temple Chevallier (1859)
An exposition of the creed: with an appendix, containing the principal Greek and Latin creeds (D. Appleton & Company, 1853)
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