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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | Mabillon, Jean (†1707) | 127 | Roman Catholic | | | MacAlpine, John (†1557) | 0 | Reformed | | | Maccovius, Johannes (†1644) | 40 | Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1615-1644) | en de | ADB | Bayle | Scholasticon | MacDowell, William (†1666) | 19 | Reformed | Philosophy, Groningen (1614-1627) | NNBW | Macedo, Francisco de, O.F.M. Obs. (†1681) | 69 | Roman Catholic | | | Mackaile, Matthew (fl.1657-1696) | 0 | n/a | | | Macknight, James (†1800) | 5 | Reformed | | | Maclaurin, Colin (†1746) | 31 | n/a | | en | Maclaurin, John (†1754) | 19 | Reformed | | | MacLean, Archibald (†1812) | 7 | Baptist | | | MacMillan, John, I (†1753) | 2 | Reformed | | | MacMillan, John, II (†1808) | 0 | Reformed | | | Maden, Richard (†1677) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Mader, Theophil (†1604) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1576-1580); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1588-1591); Philosophy, Heidelberg (1591-1604) | | Mader, Timotheus (fl.1562-1580) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1571-1580) | | Madew, John (†1555) | 0 | Anglican | Theology, Cambridge (1545-1550) | | Madsen, Jacob (†1586) | 17 | Lutheran | | | Maes, Boniface, O.F.M. (†1706) | 34 | Roman Catholic | | | Maets, Carolus de (†1651) | 9 | Reformed | Theology, Utrecht (1640-1651) | ADB | Maffei, Giovanni P., S.J. (†1603) | 15 | Roman Catholic | |  | Maffei, Scipio (†1755) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Magdalena de Pazzi, O.C.D. (†1607) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Magee, William (†1831) | 24 | Anglican | | | Maggi, Lucillo (†1578) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Magirus, Johannes (†1596) | 26 | n/a | | | Magirus, Johannes (†1631) | 1 | n/a | | | Magirus, Johannes (†1614) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Magirus, Johannes (fl.1596-1611) | 1 | n/a | | | Magirus, Tobias (†1652) | 26 | Reformed | Philosophy, Frankfurt | | Magni, Valeriano (†1661) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Mahotius, Jacobus | 0 | n/a | | | Mahusius, Joannes, O.F.M. (†1572) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Maichel, Daniel (†1752) | 49 | Lutheran | | en de | Maignan, Emmanuel (†1676) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | Mailhat, Raymundus, O.P. (†1693) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | Quetif | Scholasticon | Maillard, Olivier, O.F.M. (†1502) | 36 | n/a | | fr en | Maimbourg, Louis, S.J. (†1686) | 108 | Roman Catholic | | | Maimonides (†1204) | 17 | Jewish | |  | Mair, Thomas (†1768) | 0 | Reformed | | | Mairat, Louis le, S.J. (†1664) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Maistret, Jacques, O.C. (†1616) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1582-?) | | Maius, Henricus (†1607) | 6 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1588-1592) | de | ADB | VGT | Majendie, André de (fl.1666-1674) | 1 | Reformed | | | Major, Georg (†1574) | 64 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1545-1574) | en de | VGT | Major, Johann T. (†1655) | 17 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1645-1655) | de | ADB | Major, Johannes (†1654) | 28 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1611-?) | de | ADB | Major, John (†1550) | 46 | Roman Catholic | Principal, Glasgow (1518-1523) | | Scholasticon | Majus, Johann H., Jr (†1732) | 8 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Giessen (1709-1732) | ADB | Majus, Johann H., Sr (†1719) | 24 | Lutheran | Theology, Giessen (1688-1719) | ADB | Makemie, Francis (†1708) | 2 | Reformed | |  | Malacrida, Elisäus (†1719) | 10 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bern (1686-1709); Theology, Bern (1709-1719) | HLS | Malafossa de Bargis, Iacobinus, O.F.M. (†1563) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Malcolm, John (†1634) | 4 | Reformed | | | Malderus, Johannes (†1633) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | en | Maldonado, Juan de, S.J. (†1583) | 55 | Roman Catholic | | | Malebranche, Nicolas (†1715) | 85 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Malecki, Jan (†1567) | 2 | Lutheran | | de | Malingre, Mathieu (†1572) | 3 | Reformed | | | Mall, Thomas (†1673) | 2 | Anglican | | | Mamachi, Tommaso M. (†1792) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Mancini, Celso (†1612) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Manderston, William (fl.1506-1525) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Mandeville, Bernard de (†1733) | 28 | n/a | | | Manetti, Giannozzo (†1459) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Manlius, Johannes (fl.1562-1605) | 21 | n/a | | | Manning, William (†1711) | 0 | Socinian-Unitarian | | en | DNB1 | Manningham, Thomas (†1722) | 13 | Anglican | | en | DNB1 | Mansi, Giovanni D. (†1769) | 39 | Roman Catholic | | | Mansi, Giuseppe (†1720) | 86 | Roman Catholic | | | Mansveld, Regnerus van (†1671) | 4 | Reformed | Philosophy, Utrecht (1660-1671) | NNBW | Manton, Thomas (†1677) | 91 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Mantova Benavides, Marco (†1582) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Manuel, Niklaus (†1530) | 21 | Reformed | | en de | Manzini, Giovanni B. (†1664) | 35 | Roman Catholic | | | Marbach, Erasmus (†1593) | 9 | Lutheran | Theology, Strassburg | | Marbach, Johann (†1581) | 12 | Lutheran | Theology, Strassburg | en de | VGT | Marbach, Philipp (†1611) | 27 | Lutheran | Theology, Heidelberg (1579-1584); Theology, Strassburg (1593-1611) | ADB | Marbury, Edward (†c.1655) | 4 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Marbury, Francis (†1611) | 3 | n/a | | | Marc de Bauduen, O.F.M. Cap. (fl.1661-1673) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Marcelli, Michelangelo, O.E.S.A. (†1804) | 0 | n/a | | | Marcello, Cristoforo (†1527) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Marcellus, Henricus, S.J. (†1664) | 9 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Bamberg | | Marci, Jan M. (†1667) | 16 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Prague (Charles University) | en de | NDB | Marck, Frederik Adolf v. (†1800) | 3 | Reformed | Law, Groningen (1758-1773); Law, Groningen (1795-1800) | | Marckius, Johannes (†1731) | 101 | Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1676-1680); Theology, Groningen (1682-1689); Theology, Leiden (1689-1731) | de | NNBW | Marcourt, Antoine de (†1561) | 5 | Reformed | | | Marcuard, Blaise (†1577) | 2 | Reformed | Philosophy, Lausanne (1569-1572); Theology, Lausanne (1572-1576); Theology, Bern (1576-1577) | | Marcus, Moses | 3 | Anglican, Jewish | |  | Marescalchi, Marcantonio (fl.1570-1574) | 3 | n/a | | | Maresius, Samuel (†1673) | 188 | Reformed | Theology, Sedan (1625-1636); Theology, Groningen (1643-1673) | en | ADB | Scholasticon | Margaritha, Anton (†1537) | 8 | Lutheran | | | Marguerite d'Angoulême (†1549) | 43 | n/a | | | Mariale, Xantes, O.P. (†1660) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en | Mariana, Juan de (†1624) | 10 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Paris (1569-1574) | Scholasticon | Marinis, Dominicus de, O.P. (†1699) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | | Mark, Georg J. (†1774) | 3 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Kiel (1747-1752); Theology, Kiel (1758-1774) | ADB | Marle, Henricus W. (fl.1742-) | 3 | Reformed | | | Marletta, Gabriel, O.P. (†1678) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Marlorat, Augustin (†1560) | 43 | Reformed | | en | Marmet, Ezekiel (fl.1636-) | 3 | Reformed | | | Marnix, Philips van (†1598) | 107 | Reformed | | en | BBKL | NNBW | Marot, Clement (†1544) | 71 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | en fr | Marotte de Muis, Siméon (†1644) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | en | Marpeck, Pilgram (†1556) | 0 | Anabaptist | | | Marprelate, Martin (fl.1588-1589) | 8 | Puritan | | | Marrant, John (†1791) | 2 | n/a | |  | Marsh, Richard (†1732) | 1 | Anglican | | | Marshall, Nathaniel (†1731) | 13 | Anglican | | en | Marshall, Stephen (†1655) | 12 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Marshall, Thomas (†1685) | 0 | Anglican | | | Marshall, Walter (†1680) | 10 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Marshall, William (fl.1678-) | 1 | n/a | | | Marsham, John (†1685) | 12 | Anglican | | en | Marsilius of Inghen (†1396) | 2 | n/a | | | Marsilius Paduensis (†1343) | 2 | n/a | | | Martel, André (†c.1699) | 4 | Reformed | Theology, Montauban (1652-1685) | Haag1 | Martens, Friedrich (†1699) | 10 | n/a | | | Martiall, John (†1597) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Martin, Benjamin (†1782) | 16 | n/a | | | Martin, David (†1721) | 52 | Reformed | | | Martin, Edward (†1662) | 0 | Anglican | | DNB1 | Martin, Gregory (†1582) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Martin, Guillaume (fl.1668-) | 1 | Reformed | | | Martin, John (†1659) | 0 | n/a | | | Martin, John (†1693) | 0 | n/a | | | Martin, John (†1820) | 1 | n/a | | | Martindale, Adam (†1686) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Martinet, Johannes Florentius (†1795) | 5 | n/a | | | Martinez, Gregorius, O.P. (†1637) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Martinez, Matthias (†1642) | 8 | n/a | | | Martinez de Cantalapiedra, Martin (†1579) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | es | Martínez de Prado, Juan, O.P. (†1668) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Martini, Cornelis (†1621) | 56 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Helmstedt (1592-?) | NDB | Scholasticon | Martini, Jacob (†1649) | 223 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Wittenberg (1602-?); Theology, Wittenberg (1623-1649) | de | ADB | Scholasticon | Martini, Lucas (fl.1588-) | 7 | n/a | | | Martini, Martino, S.J. (†1661) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | en it | Martini, Raimund, O.P. (†1284) | 1 | n/a | | en | CE | Martinius, Johannes (†1665) | 1 | Reformed | | | Martinius, Matthaeus (†1630) | 105 | Reformed | Philosophy, Herborn (1599-1607); Theology, Bremen (1610-1630) | en de | NDB | Rotermund | Martinus de Dunkeld, Jacobus (fl.1590-) | 4 | n/a | | | Martinus de Magistris (†1482) | 11 | n/a | | | Marvell, Andrew (†1678) | 9 | Reformed | | en | Mascamp, Heinrich (fl.1700-1723) | 3 | n/a | | | Mascarenhas, Fernando M. (†1628) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | pt | Mascaron, Jules (†1703) | 11 | Roman Catholic | | | Mascov, Christian (†1732) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Masecov, Samuel (fl.1695-1705) | 1 | n/a | | | Masham, Lady Damaris C. (†1708) | 1 | n/a | | | Masius, Didacus, O.P. (†1608) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Masius, Hector G. (†1709) | 58 | Lutheran | | | Mason, Francis (†1621) | 1 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Mason, Henry (†1647) | 1 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Mason, John (†1694) | 1 | Reformed | | | Massillon, Jean B. (†1742) | 171 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Masson, Jean-Papire (†1611) | 21 | n/a | | | Massoulié, Antonin, O.P. (†1706) | 15 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Mastertown, Charles (†1750) | 2 | n/a | | | Mastri, Bartolomeo, O.F.M. Conv. (†1673) | 70 | Roman Catholic | | it en | Mastricht, Gerhard von (†1721) | 11 | Reformed | | Rotermund | Mastricht, Petrus van (†1706) | 61 | Reformed | Philosophy, Frankfurt (1667-1670); Theology, Duisburg (1670-1677); Theology, Utrecht (1677-1706) | de | ADB | NNBW | Mather, Cotton (†1728) | 37 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Mather, Increase (†1723) | 11 | Puritan, Reformed | President, Harvard (1685-1701) | en | Mather, Nathanael (†1697) | 1 | Reformed | | | Mather, Richard (†1669) | 13 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Mather, Samuel (†1671) | 3 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Mather, Samuel (†1785) | 9 | Reformed | | | Mathesius, Johann (†1565) | 104 | Lutheran | | en de | NDB | VGT | Matthaeus, Antonius, I (†1637) | 5 | n/a | | | Matthaeus, Antonius, II (†1654) | 0 | n/a | | | Matthaeus, Antonius, III (†1701) | 0 | n/a | | | Matthäus, Johann (†1588) | 12 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1581-1588) | | Matthew, Sir Tobie (†1655) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Matthew of Aquasparta (†1302) | 2 | n/a | | | Matthiae, Christian (†1655) | 30 | Lutheran | Theology, Altdorf (1618-1622) | de | ADB | Matthisius, Assuerus (†1651) | 2 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Matthisius, Gerhard (†1572) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Maty, Paul | 11 | n/a | | | Mauduit, Isaac (†1718) | 0 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Mauduit, Michel, O.F. (†1709) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Mauguin, Gilbert (†1674) | 6 | n/a | | | Maukisch, Johann (†1669) | 22 | Lutheran | Theology, Danzig | ADB | Zedler | Maupertuis, Pierre L. (†1759) | 21 | n/a | | en | Maurice, Antoine, I (†1756) | 4 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1719-1724); Theology, Geneva (1724-1756) | HLS | Leu | Maurice, Antoine, II (†1795) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1756-1795) | HLS | Maurice, Henry (†1691) | 4 | Anglican | | | Maurice, Mathias (†1738) | 4 | Reformed | | | Mauritius, Caspar (†1675) | 11 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rostock (1644-1650); Theology, Rostock (1650-1662) | ADB | Mauritius, Erich (†1691) | 31 | Lutheran | | de | Maurus, Sylvester, S.J. (†1687) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | en | Maxey, Anthony (†1618) | 0 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Maximus the Confessor (†662) | 7 | n/a | | | Maxwell, John (fl.1715-) | 0 | n/a | | | Maxwell, John (†1647) | 3 | n/a | | | Mayer, Johann F. (†1712) | 101 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1684-1687); Theology, Kiel (1688-1701); Theology, Greifswald (1701-1712) | de | ADB | BBKL | Mayer, John (†1664) | 5 | Reformed | | DNB1 | Mayer, Wolfgang (†1653) | 7 | Reformed | Basel (1611-?) | | Mayerne, Louis T. (†1618) | 2 | n/a | | | Mayerne, Théodore T. (†1655) | 15 | n/a | |  | Mayhew, Experience (†1759) | 5 | Reformed | | | Mayhew, Jonathan (†1766) | 37 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Mayle, Matthias, S.J. (†1634) | 20 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Dillingen | Scholasticon | Maynard, John (†1665) | 1 | n/a | | | Mayne, Jasper (†1672) | 1 | Anglican | | en | Mayne, Zachary (†1694) | 2 | Socinian-Unitarian | | | Mayo, Richard (†1695) | 3 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Mayo, Richard (†1727) | 1 | n/a | | | Mayr, Anton, S.J. (†1749) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Mayronis, Franciscus d., O.F.M. (†1328) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Mazzolini, Sylvester (†1523) | 48 | Roman Catholic | | en | McCaghwell, Hugh, O.F.M. Obs. (†1626) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | McClaren, John (†1734) | 2 | Reformed | | | McDonnell, Thomas (fl.1753-1754) | 1 | n/a | | | McEwen, William (†1762) | 11 | Reformed | | | McGill, William (†1807) | 0 | Reformed | | | McWard, Robert (†1681) | 7 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Mead, Matthew (†1699) | 26 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Mede, Joseph (†1638) | 36 | Puritan, Reformed | Cambridge (1618-1638) | en | Meder, David (†1616) | 13 | Lutheran | | | Medici, Sisto, O.P. (†1561) | 2 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Padua (1545-1553) | DBI | Zedler | Medina, Bartolomé de, O.P. (†1580) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | en es | Scholasticon | Medina, Juan de (†1546) | 8 | Roman Catholic | | | Medler, Nicolaus (†1551) | 11 | Lutheran | | de | Meelführer, Johann (†1640) | 15 | Lutheran | | de | Mees, Gregorius (†1694) | 2 | Reformed | | | Megalopolitanus, Polybius (†c.118) | 3 | n/a | | | Megander, Caspar (†1545) | 10 | Reformed | Theology, Bern (1528-?) | de | Mehen, Ellardus v. (†1639) | 2 | Reformed | | | Meiboom, Marcus (†1711) | 6 | n/a | | en fr | Meiderlin, Peter (†1651) | 6 | Lutheran | | en de | Meier, Gebhard T. (†1693) | 32 | Lutheran | | de | Meier, Gerhard (†1695) | 11 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bremen (1644-1648); Philosophy, Bremen (1648-1651); Theology, Bremen (1651-?) | de | Rotermund | Meier, Gerhard (†1703) | 0 | Reformed | | Rotermund | Meier, Gerhard (†1723) | 10 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Wittenberg (1687-?) | de | Rotermund | Meier, Heinrich B. (†1681) | 0 | Reformed | | | Meier, Jacob (†1741) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bremen (1704-1741) | Rotermund | Meier, Johannes (†1725) | 10 | Reformed | Theology, Harderwijk (1684-1725) | NNBW | Meiners, Eduard (†1752) | 4 | Reformed | | | Meinhart, Georg F. (†1718) | 9 | Lutheran | | de | ADB | Meisner, Balthasar (†1626) | 429 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Wittenberg (1611-1613); Theology, Wittenberg (1613-1626) | de | ADB | Scholasticon | Meisner, Johann (†1681) | 146 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1650-1681) | de | ADB | Meister, Joachim (†1587) | 0 | Lutheran, Reformed | | | Mel, Coenraad (†1733) | 17 | Reformed | | | Melanchthon, Philipp (†1560) | 969 | Lutheran | Arts, Wittenberg (1518-1519); Theology, Wittenberg (1519-1560) | de en | Bayle | CE | HLS | NDB | Scholasticon | VGT | Melanchthon, Sigismund (†1573) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1560-1562); Medicine, Heidelberg (1566-1573) | | Melchior, Johann (†1689) | 11 | Reformed | Theology, Herborn (1682-1689) | ADB | Melchioris, Albertus Wilhelmus (†1738) | 2 | Reformed | | | Meldrum, George (†1709) | 1 | Reformed | | | Melissus, Paulus (†1602) | 6 | n/a | | en | ADB | Melius, Péter (†1572) | 12 | Reformed | | en hu | Melles, Etienne de (†1683) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Mellet, Johannes (fl.1650-1660) | 2 | Reformed | | | Melville, Andrew (†1622) | 5 | Reformed | | en | Melville, James (†1614) | 4 | Reformed | | | Ménard, Jean (†1570) | 2 | Reformed | | | Mence, Francis (†1696) | 2 | Reformed | | | Mencel, Hieronymus (†1590) | 34 | Lutheran | | de | Mencke, Johann B. (†1732) | 1 | n/a | | | Mencke, Otto (†1707) | 8 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1669-?) | en de | NDB | Mendelssohn, Moses (†1786) | 20 | Jewish | | | Mendler, Christoph, S.J. (fl.1634-1648) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Mengering, Arnold (†1647) | 38 | Lutheran | | de | Mengewein, Friedrich J. (†1686) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Menius, Justus (†1558) | 77 | Lutheran | | VGT | Menochio, Giacomo (†1607) | 69 | n/a | Law, Pavia (1588-1607) | | Menochio, Giovanni S., S.J. (†1655) | 44 | Roman Catholic | Moral Theology, Milan; Theology, Milan | | Mensching, Anton (†1640) | 3 | Lutheran | Theology, Rinteln (1621-?) | | Mensing, Johannes (†1541) | 28 | Roman Catholic | | | Mentzel, Johannes (†1552) | 0 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1544-1552) | | Mentzer, Balthasar, I (†1627) | 130 | Lutheran | Theology, Marburg (1596-1605); Theology, Giessen (1607-1624); Theology, Marburg (1624-1627) | de | NDB | Mentzer, Balthasar, II (†1679) | 3 | Lutheran | Theology, Marburg (1640-1646); Theology, Rinteln (1646-1651); Theology, Giessen (1651-1679) | de | NDB | Mentzer, Balthasar, IV (†1741) | 1 | Lutheran | | de | Menzies, John (†1684) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Aberdeen (1678-1681); Theology, Aberdeen (1682-1684); Arts, Aberdeen (?-1649) | | Mercator, Gerardus (†1594) | 3 | n/a | | | Mercer, James (fl.1630-) | 0 | Reformed | | | Mercerus, Jacobus (fl.1707-) | 1 | n/a | | | Merchier, Guillaume (†1639) | 0 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Leuven (1597-?); Theology, Leuven (1611-1639) | Scholasticon | Mercier, Jean (†1570) | 12 | Roman Catholic | | en | Haag1 | Mercier aux Bourges, Jean (†1600) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Merinero, Francisco P., O.F.M. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Merinero, Juan M., O.F.M. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Merlat, Elie (†1705) | 19 | Reformed | Theology, Lausanne (1682-1701) | Haag1 | HLS | Merlin, Claude (fl.1569-1606) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Lausanne (1586-1591) | Zedler | Merlin, Jean R. (†1578) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Lausanne (1548-1558); Theology, Geneva (1558-1564) | | Merlin, Pierre (†1603) | 2 | Reformed | | fr | Haag1 | Mersenne, Marin (†1648) | 29 | Roman Catholic | | | Merula, Paullus (†1607) | 25 | Reformed | Philosophy, Leiden (1593-1607) | DBNL | Mesnard, Philippe | 2 | Reformed | | | Mesomylius, Eberhard (†1630) | 0 | Lutheran | Theology, Rinteln (1621-1623) | | Mestrezat, Jean (†1657) | 52 | Reformed | | it | Mestrezat, Philippe (†1690) | 12 | Reformed | Philosophy, Geneva (1641-1649); Theology, Geneva (1649-1690) | en | HLS | Métezeau, Paul (†1632) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Methurst, Johan (†1779) | 0 | Reformed | | Rotermund | Meulen, Gerardus van der | 2 | Reformed | | | Meulen, Joannes v. (†1702) | 0 | Reformed | | | Meurisse, Martin, O.F.M. Obs. (†1644) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Meurs, Johannes van (†1639) | 5 | n/a | Arts, Leiden (1610-?) | | Meusch, Theobald (fl.1592-1612) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Mexía, Pedro (†c.1552) | 54 | n/a | | | Mey, George de (†1712) | 0 | Reformed | | | Mey, Johannes de (†1678) | 6 | Reformed | | ADB | Mey, Octavius (†1619) | 0 | Reformed | | DBI | Meyer, Bartholomaeus (†1600) | 4 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Marburg (1549-1553); Theology, Marburg (1554-1559) | Zedler | Meyer, Emanuel (†1723) | 5 | Reformed | | Leu | Meyer, Jacob (†1708) | 0 | Reformed | | | Meyer, Jeremias (fl.1682-1708) | 0 | Reformed | | Leu | Meyer, Lodewijk (†1681) | 11 | n/a | | en nl | Meyer, Sebastian (†1545) | 21 | Reformed | | ADB | Meyfart, Johann M. (†1642) | 46 | Lutheran | | de | Mezger, Paul, O.S.B. (†1702) | 21 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Salzburg (1668-1669); Theology, Salzburg (1673-1699) | en | Scholasticon | Michaelis, Christian B. (†1764) | 18 | Lutheran | | | Michaelis, Daniel (†1652) | 1 | Lutheran | Theology, Rostock (1649-1652) | ADB | Michaelis, Johann H. (†1738) | 8 | Lutheran | | | Michaelis, Johann D. (†1791) | 140 | n/a | | | Michaelis, Sébastien, O.P. (†1618) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Micraelius, Johann (†1658) | 56 | Lutheran | | de | ADB | Microen, Marten (†1559) | 25 | Reformed | | ADB | BBKL | Middleton, Conyers (†1759) | 40 | Anglican | | | Middleton, George (†1726) | 0 | Reformed | | | Midgley, Robert (†1695) | 0 | n/a | | | Mieg, Johann K. (†1764) | 2 | Reformed | Theology, Herborn (1732-1743); Theology, Herborn (1756-1764) | ADB | Mieg, Johann F., Sr (†1691) | 29 | Reformed | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1667-1672); Theology, Groningen (1691-1691) | ADB | Mieg, Ludwig C. (†1740) | 24 | Reformed | Philosophy, Rinteln (1691-1694); Philosophy, Marburg (1694-1699); Theology, Marburg (1699-1706); Theology, Heidelberg (1706-1740) | ADB | Mieg, Ludwig G. (†1761) | 2 | Reformed | Heidelberg | | Mikolajewski, Daniel (†1633) | 0 | Reformed | | | Milbourne, Luke (†1720) | 15 | Anglican | | | Mill, David (†1756) | 24 | Reformed | Theology, Utrecht (1718-1727); Theology, Utrecht (1727-1756) | | Mill, John (†1707) | 10 | n/a | | | Millar, David (†1757) | 1 | n/a | | | Miln, Robert (fl.1778-1797) | 1 | n/a | | | Milner, John (†1702) | 2 | n/a | | | Milton, John (†1674) | 63 | n/a | | | Minucci, Genesio (†1603) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Mirabeau, Victor de (†1789) | 5 | n/a | | | Mirabeaud, Jean-Baptiste de (†1789) | 1 | n/a | | | Mirus, Martin (†1593) | 24 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1573-1574) | de | ADB | Misathée, Théophile (fl.1625-) | 1 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Misler, Johann N. (†1683) | 6 | Lutheran | Theology, Giessen (1652-1683) | Zedler | Misler, Johann H. (†1698) | 0 | Lutheran | | ADB | Zedler | Mislerus, Christianus (fl.1687-) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Mitchell, Jonathan (†1668) | 0 | n/a | | | Mittelholzer, Melchior (†1706) | 1 | Reformed | | | Mitternacht, Johann S. (†1679) | 31 | Lutheran | | de | Mobachius, Joachim (†1790) | 1 | Reformed | | | Möbius, Georg (†1697) | 34 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1668-1697) | ADB | Mocket, Thomas (†1670) | 0 | n/a | | | Moded, Herman (†1603) | 4 | Reformed | | nl | Mogila, Peter (†1646) | 5 | Eastern Orthodox | | en | Moibanus, Ambrosius (†1554) | 21 | Lutheran | | de | ADB | VGT | Moir, Andrew (†1770) | 1 | Reformed | | | Moir, James (fl.1761-1787) | 1 | Reformed | | | Moivre, Abraham (†1754) | 5 | n/a | | | Molanus, Gerhard W. (†1722) | 2 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln (1659-1665); Theology, Rinteln (1665-?) | NDB | Molanus, Johannes (†1585) | 34 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Leuven (1578-1585) | | Molanus, Johannes (†1583) | 0 | Reformed | | | Molard, Daniel (fl.1618-) | 0 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | Haag1 | Mole, Thomas (†c.1780) | 2 | n/a | | | Molenaar, Simon (†1738) | 3 | Reformed | | | Molina, Luis de, S.J. (†1600) | 77 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Coimbra (1563-1567); Theology, Évora (1568-1588) | en | Scholasticon | Molinier, Étienne (†1650) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Molinos, Miguel de (†1696) | 9 | Roman Catholic | | | Molitor, Isaias, S.J. (†1678) | 4 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Dillingen (1641-1646); Theology, Dillingen (1653-1657) | | Moll, Herman (†1732) | 2 | n/a | | | Moller, Daniel W. (†1712) | 15 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Altdorf (1674-1712) | de | ADB | Möller, Heinrich (†1589) | 6 | Lutheran | | ADB | Moller, Martin (†1606) | 43 | Lutheran | | en de | Molnár, Albert S. (†1634) | 3 | Reformed | | hu de | Molther, Johann, Sr (†1618) | 8 | Reformed | Theology, Marburg (1594-1599); Theology, Marburg (1605-1618) | Zedler | Momma, Wilhelm (†1677) | 20 | Reformed | Theology, Hamm (1674-1676) | de | ADB | Momma, Wilhelmus (†1677) | 1 | Reformed | | | Mommers, Johannes Mauritius (†1737) | 2 | Reformed | | | Monardes, Nicolas (†1588) | 22 | n/a | | | Monau, Jacob (†1603) | 5 | Lutheran, Reformed | | en | ADB | Moncè, Philippe, S.J. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Monck, Thomas (fl.1661-1673) | 0 | n/a | | | Moncrieff, Alexander (†1761) | 4 | Reformed | | | Monfortius, Gratianus, O.F.M. Cap. (†1650) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | Scholasticon | Monginot, François (†1637) | 2 | n/a | | | Monheim, Johannes (†1564) | 7 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | | Monlorius, Johannes B. (fl.1590-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Monro, Alexander (fl.1632-) | 0 | Reformed | | | Monro, Alexander (†1767) | 9 | n/a | | | Monro, Alexander (†1817) | 1 | n/a | | | Montaigne, Claude L. (†1767) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Montaigne, Michel de (†1592) | 30 | Roman Catholic | | | Montanus, Arnoldus (†1693) | 30 | Reformed | | | Montanus, Benito A. (†1598) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Montchrestien, Antoine d. (†1621) | 1 | n/a | |  | Montcrieff, Alexander (†1761) | 0 | n/a | | | Montefortino, Hieronymus de, O.F.M. Ref. (†1738) | 16 | Roman Catholic | | | Montepiloso, Angelo V., O.F.M. Conv. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Montesinos, Luis de, O.P. (†1620) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat de (†1755) | 24 | n/a | | | Moolenaar, Simon | 0 | Reformed | | | Moonen, Arnold (†1711) | 7 | Reformed | | | Moor, Michael (†1726) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Moore, John (†1714) | 3 | Anglican | | en | Moore, John (†1802) | 21 | n/a | | | Moore, John (†1657) | 6 | n/a | | | Moore, John (†1619) | 1 | n/a | | | Moore, John (†1730) | 1 | n/a | | | Moore, Thomas, Jr (fl.1655-1667) | 0 | n/a | | | Moore, Thomas, Sr (fl.1646-1657) | 0 | n/a | | | Morata, Olympia F. (†1555) | 16 | Reformed | |  | Morden, Robert (†1703) | 1 | n/a | | | More, George (†1632) | 0 | n/a | | | More, Henry (†1687) | 46 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant, Latitudinarian | | | More, John (†1592) | 0 | Reformed | | en | More, Sir Thomas (†1535) | 17 | Roman Catholic | | | Morell, Juliana (†1653) | 1 | Roman Catholic | |  | Morély, Jean (†1594) | 3 | Reformed | | fr | Haag1 | Moréri, Louis (†1680) | 59 | Roman Catholic | | CE | Morgan, Thomas (†1743) | 19 | n/a | | | Morgan, Thomas (†1799) | 0 | n/a | | | Morhof, Daniel G. (†1691) | 40 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rostock (1660-1665); Philosophy, Kiel (1665-1673); Philosophy, Rostock (1673-?) | en de | NDB | Morin, Étienne (†1700) | 7 | Reformed | Theology, Amsterdam (1686-1699) | Haag1 | Morin, Jean (†1659) | 25 | Roman Catholic | | | Morin, Jean-Baptiste (†1656) | 33 | Roman Catholic | | en fr | Morley, George (†1684) | 1 | Reformed | | | Mörlin, Joachim (†1571) | 50 | Lutheran | | en de | VGT | Mornay, Charlotte A. (†1606) | 1 | Reformed | | | Mornay, Philippe D. (†1623) | 213 | Reformed | | en fr | Haag1 | Morrice, Roger (†1702) | 0 | n/a | | | Morsheymer, Johannes M. (fl.1548-) | 18 | Lutheran | | | Morteira, Saul L. (†1660) | 0 | Jewish | | | Morton, Charles (†1698) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Morton, Thomas (†1659) | 37 | Anglican, Reformed | | en | Morton, Thomas (fl.1596-1599) | 4 | Reformed | | | Morus, Alexandre (†1670) | 42 | Reformed | Arts, Geneva (1639-1642); Theology, Geneva (1642-1649); Theology, Amsterdam (1652-1658) | en | Haag1 | NNBW | Morus, Samuel F. (†1792) | 0 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1761-1768); Philosophy, Leipzig (1768-1778); Theology, Leipzig (1778-1792) | ADB | Morvan de Bellegarde, Jean-Baptiste (†1734) | 1 | n/a | | | Moscherosch, Johann M. (†1669) | 2 | Reformed | |  | Mosellanus, Petrus (†1524) | 0 | n/a | | | Moses, Marcus (†1786) | 0 | n/a | | | Mosheim, Johann L. (†1755) | 357 | Lutheran | | en de | Moskorzewski, Hieronim (†1625) | 1 | Socinian-Unitarian | | en pl | Mosley, Nicholas (†1672) | 0 | n/a | | | Moss, Charles (†1802) | 9 | Anglican | | | Moss, Robert (†1729) | 6 | Anglican | | en | Mosse, Miles (†1615) | 0 | Reformed | | | Mossom, Robert (†1679) | 1 | Anglican | | | Mouchon, Pierre (†1797) | 1 | Reformed | | | Mountague, Richard (†1641) | 26 | Anglican | | en | Mountain, George (†1628) | 0 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant | Theology, Gresham (1607-1610) | | Movius, Samuel | 5 | Lutheran | | Zedler | Muckarsie, John (fl.1765-) | 0 | Reformed | | | Muggleton, Lodowick (†1698) | 13 | n/a | | en | Muhlius, Heinrich (†1733) | 12 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Kiel (1691-1695); Theology, Kiel (1695-1733) | ADB | Mühlpfort, Heinrich (†1681) | 15 | Lutheran | | ADB | Muirhead, John (†1797) | 0 | n/a | | | Mulerius, Nicolaus (†1630) | 4 | Reformed | Medicine, Groningen (1614-1630) | en | Mulhusinus, Johann, S.J. (†1609) | 7 | Roman Catholic | | | Müller, Barthold (†1667) | 1 | Lutheran | | de | Müller, Friedrich T. (†1766) | 6 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1745-1761); Theology, Jena (1761-1766) | ADB | Müller, Georg (†1684) | 5 | Reformed | Philosophy, Lausanne (1628-1650); Theology, Lausanne (1650-1684) | HLS | Müller, Heinrich (†1675) | 54 | Lutheran | Arts, Rostock (1651-1662); Theology, Rostock (1662-1675) | de en | NDB | Müller, Johann D. (†1794) | 2 | Lutheran | Theology, Rinteln (1768-1794) | ADB | Müller, Johann G. | 1 | n/a | | | Müller, Johannes (†1684) | 47 | Reformed | Theology, Zürich (1655-1656); Theology, Zürich (1656-1659); Theology, Zürich (1659-?) | HLS | Müller, Michael (†1702) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Müller, Philipp (†1713) | 56 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1663-?); Theology, Jena (1702-1713) | ADB | Mülmann, Hieronymus, S.J. (†1666) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | Zedler | Mülmann, Johann (†1613) | 13 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1607-1613) | | Mumford, James (†1666) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Mundbrot, Walter, S.J. (†1645) | 31 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Ingolstadt | | Muniesa, Tomás, S.J. (†1696) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | | Münster, Sebastian (†1552) | 101 | Reformed | Philosophy, Heidelberg (1524-1529); Theology, Basel (1529-1552) | en | Munsterus, Christophorus (†1660) | 1 | n/a | Philosophy, Franeker (1651-1660) | NNBW | Muntinghe, Herman (†1824) | 7 | Reformed | | | Müntzer, Thomas (†1525) | 7 | Anabaptist | | en | Murat, François (fl.1620-1637) | 5 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Muratori, Ludovico A. (†1750) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Murner, Thomas (†1537) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Murray, James (†1782) | 2 | n/a | | | Murray, John (†1815) | 4 | n/a | | | Mursinna, Samuel (†1795) | 8 | Reformed | | | Murton, John (fl.1615-1621) | 1 | n/a | | | Musaeus, Johannes (†1681) | 95 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1643-1646); Theology, Jena (1646-1681) | en de | NDB | Musaeus, Petrus (†1674) | 28 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln (1648-1653); Theology, Rinteln (1653-1663); Theology, Helmstedt (1663-1665); Theology, Kiel (1665-1674) | ADB | Musaeus, Simon (†1576) | 14 | Lutheran | Theology, Jena (1558-1561) | de | ADB | Rotermund | Musculus, Abraham (†1591) | 1 | Reformed | | | Musculus, Andreas (†1581) | 76 | Lutheran | Theology, Frankfurt (1546-1581) | en de | NDB | Musculus, Wolfgang (†1563) | 178 | Reformed | Theology, Bern (1549-1563) | en de | NDB | VGT | Mussard, Pierre (†1686) | 21 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Musschenbroek, Pieter van (†1761) | 75 | Reformed | Philosophy, Duisburg (1719-1723); Philosophy, Utrecht (1723-1739); Philosophy, Leiden (1739-1761) | en nl | DBNL | Musso, Cornelio, O.F.M. (†1574) | 35 | Roman Catholic | | | Musson, Gabriele (fl.1743-) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Mutton, Cuthbert (fl.1576-) | 0 | n/a | | | Muys, Wijer W. (†1744) | 2 | n/a | | | Myconius, Friedricus (†1546) | 9 | Lutheran | | en de | NDB | VGT | Myconius, Oswald (†1552) | 20 | Reformed | Theology, Basel (1532-1541) | en de | NDB | VGT | Mylaeus, Johannes P. | 1 | Reformed | | | Mylander, Fredericus (fl.1628-) | 1 | n/a | | | Mylius, Conradus (fl.1616-1618) | 2 | Reformed | | | Mylius, Georg (†1607) | 149 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1585-1589); Theology, Jena (1589-1593); Theology, Wittenberg (1603-1607) | de | ADB | VGT | Mylius, Johann D. (†1642) | 5 | n/a | | | Mylonius, Nicolaus, S.J. (fl.1582-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Myseras, Johannes (†1743) | 0 | n/a | | | Myseras, Lambrecht (†1740) | 13 | Reformed | | |
| |