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Primary Sources (2 titles, 2 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | | Zwingli, Ulrich (1484-1531) en de | The rekenynge and declaracion of the fayth and belefe of huldrike zwyngly byshoppe of ziiryk the chefe town of Heluitia, sent to Charles .v. that nowe is Emproure of Rome: holdynge a parlement or counsayll at Ausbrough with the chefe lordes and lerned men of Germanye, the yere of our Lorde in the moneth of July. ( Translated and imprynted at ziiryk [i.e. London] : [By me Richarde wyer], 1548) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The rekenynge and declaracion of the fayth and belefe of Huldrike Zwyngly, Byshoppe of Ziiryk the chefe town of Helvitia, sent to Charles. v. that nowe is emproure of Rome : holdynge a parlement or counsayll at Ausbrough with the chefe Lordes and lerned men of Germanye, the yere of our Lorde jn the moneth of July ( Ziiryk : [Richard Wyer], 1543) | e-rara |  |   |