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Forbes, William (1585-1634)
Considerationes modestae et pacificae controversiarum de justificatione, de purgatorio, de invocatione sanctorum, de christo mediatore, et de eucharistia; una cum versione anglica, vol. 1 (Oxonium : Parker, 1850)
Fuller, Thomas (c.1607-1661)
The church history of Britain from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year M.DC.XLVIII
Oxford : University Press, 1845GB 
Vol. 3 (1845) IA 
Vol. 4 (1845) IA 
Vol. 5 (1845) IA 
Vol. 6 (1845) IA 
Wise words and quaint counsels of Thomas Fuller, selected and arranged, with a short sketch of the autor's life (Oxford : The Clarendon press, 1892)
Gale, Theophilus (1628-1679)  en
The court of the gentiles, or, A discourse touching the original of human literature, both philologie and philosophie, from the Scriptures & Jewish church. : Part I. Of philologie in order to a demonstration of, I. The perfection of Gods word, and church-light, II. The imperfection of natures light, and mischief of vain philosophie, III. The right use of human learning, and specially, sound philosophie, 2nd ed. (Oxon : H. Hall, for Tho. Gilbert)
Vol. 1 (1672)
Vol. 2 (1676) IA 
The court of the gentiles, or, A discourse touching the original of human literature, both philologie and philosophie, from the Scriptures & Jewish church. : Part I. Of philologie in order to a demonstration of, I. The perfection of Gods word, and church-light, II. The imperfection of natures light, and mischief of vain philosophie, III. The right use of human learning, and specially, sound philosophie. Volumes 1-2, 2nd ed.
2nd ed. / Oxon : H. Hall, for Tho. Gilbert, 1672GB 
The court of the gentiles, or, A discourse touching the original of human literature, both philologie and philosophie, from the Scriptures and Jewish church. Part 2, Of philosophie in order to a demonstration of 1. The perfection of Gods word and church light, 2. The imperfection of natures light and mischief of vain philosophie, 3. The right use of human learning and especially sound philosophie (Oxford : Will. Hall for Tho. Gilbert, 1670)
Gascoigne, Thomas (1404-1458)
Loci e Libro veritatum : passages selected from Gascoigne's theological dictionary illustrating the condition of church and state, 1403-1458. With an introd. by James E. Thorold Rogers (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1881)
Golius, Theophilus (1528-1600)
Aristotelis doctrinæ moralis, ex decem libris Ethicorum ad Nicomachum collecta ... epitome. Adjectus est aureus ejusdem Aristotelis libellus Gperì āretŵn kaì kakiŵn, S. Grynæo interprete, trans. Simon Grynaeus (Oxonii, 1823)
Epitome doctrinae politicae et oeconomicae quarum illa ex octo libris politicorum Aristotelis (Oxonii : typis et sumptu Munday et Slatter, 1820)
Goodwin, Thomas (1600-1680)  en
The return of prayers : a treatise wherein (Oxford : D.A. Talboys, 1839)
Grabe, Johann Ernst (1666-1711)  de en
Dissertatio de variis vitiis LXX. interpretum versioni ante B. Origenis aevum illatis, et remediis ab ipso in hexaplari ejusdem versionis editione adhibitis, deque hujus editionis reliquiis tam manu scriptis quam praelo excusis (Oxonii : e theatro Sheldoniano, 1710)
An essay upon two Arabick Manuscripts of the Bodlejan library, and that ancient book call'd the Doctrine of the Apostles,... (Oxford : Theater, 1711)
Septuaginta interpretum (Oxonii : Richardus Smith)
Vol. 1 (1707)
Vol. 2 (1707) GB 
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