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Amsterdam, Netherlands
(Est. 1632)
Faculty (16) | Disputations (2) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Faculty of Arts
Gerhard Johann VossiusProf. of History & Politics (1631-1649) 294Arminian-Remonstrantn/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Caspar BarlaeusProf. of Philosophy (1631-1648) 51Arminian-Remonstranten nl | Bayle | DBNL | EMLO
Johannes KlenckProf. of Philosophy (1648-1668) 1n/an/a
Arnold SenguerdiusProf. of Philosophy (1648-1667) 20Reformedn/a
Johannes de RaeyProf. of Philosophy (1668-1702) 19Reformeden nl | ADB
Jean Le ClercProf. of Philosophy (1684-1731) 83Arminian-Remonstranten nl
Johannes Theodorus SchalbruchProf. of Logic, History, & Oratory (1697-1722) 1n/an/a
Faculty of Theology
Etienne de CourcellesProf. of Theology (1644-1659) 17Arminian-Remonstranten | Haag2
David BlondelProf. of Church History (1649-1655) 48ReformedEMLO | Haag2
Alexandre MorusProf. of Church History (1652-1658) 42Reformeden | DBNL | Haag1
Arnoldus PoelenburgProf. of Theology (1659-1666) 0Arminian-Remonstrantn/a
Philip van LimborchProf. of Theology (1667-1712) 51Arminian-Remonstranten nl | DBNL | GAMEO
Ludwig WolzogenProf. of Church History (1670-1690) 3ReformedADB | NNBW
Gerbrand van LeeuwenProf. of Theology (1686-1712) 17Reformedn/a
Étienne MorinProf. of Oriental Languages (1686-1699) 7ReformedHaag1
Willem SurenhuysProf. of Oriental & Greek Languages (1704-1729) 8Reformeden

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