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Halle, Germany
(Est. 1693)
Faculty (15) | Disputations (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Faculty of Law
Christian ThomasiusProf. of Law (1694-1728) 108Lutheranen de | ADB | Scholasticon
Johann Peter LudewigProf. of Law (1705-1743) 0LutheranNDB
Faculty of Medicine
Georg Ernst StahlProf. of Medicine (1694-1716) 16n/an/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Johann Franz BuddeusProf. of Ethics (1693-1705) 258Lutheranen de | BBKL | NDB
Johann Peter LudewigProf. of Philosophy (1695-1705) 0LutheranNDB
Theodor Christoph UrsinProf. of Philosophy (1733-?) 5Lutherande
Anton Wilhelm AmoProf. of Philosophy (1736-1740) 3n/a
Gotthilf Traugott ZachariaeProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1752-1755) 30Lutherande | ADB
Johann SperletteProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 5Lutherann/a
Faculty of Philosophy, Orientalistic
Christian Benedict MichaelisProf. of Philosophy, Orientalistic (?-?) 18Lutherann/a
Faculty of Theology
Joachim Just BreithauptProf. of Theology (1691-1732) 130Lutherande | NDB
Johann Wilhelm Baier, SrProf. of Theology (1694-1695) 42Lutheranen de | NDB
Joachim LangeProf. of Theology (1709-1744) 65Lutheranen de | NDB
Johann Salamo SemlerProf. of Theology (1752-?) 33Lutheranen | ADB
Johann Georg KnappProf. of Theology (?-?) 40Lutherann/a

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