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Wittenberg, Germany
(Est. 1502)
Faculty (128) | Disputations (943) | Related Primary Sources (24) | Secondary Sources (3) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Johannes EisermannRector (1521-1522) 1LutheranADB
Johannes BugenhagenSuperintendent (1570-1584) 56Lutherann/a
Joannes GruniusProf. of (1582-?) 2Lutherann/a
Carl Gottlob HofmannSuperintendent (1740-1774) 31Lutherande
Andreas FrankenbergerProf. of (?-?) 10n/an/a
Janus GruterProf. of (?-?) 19n/an/a
Konrad Samuel SchurzfleischProf. of (?-?) 20Lutherann/a
Christoph Heinrich ZeibichProf. of (?-?) 23Lutherann/a
Faculty of Arts
Philipp MelanchthonProf. of Greek (1518-1519) 969Lutherande en | Bayle | CE | GAMEO | HLS | NDB | Scholasticon | VGT
Alexander AlesiusLecturer (1532-1535) 62Lutheran, Reformeden de | BBKL | DNB1 | DNB2 | NDB
Johann AurifaberProf. of Arts (1540-1550) 0Lutherande en | NDB
Paul EberProf. of Latin (1541-1557) 74Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Johann Georg NeumannProf. (adjunct) of Arts (1684-1690) 47LutheranADB
Faculty of Greek
Erasmus SchmidtProf. of Greek (1597-1637) 66Lutherande | ADB
Balthasar StolbergProf. of Greek (?-?) 90Lutherann/a
Faculty of Law
Christoph ScheurlProf. of Law (1507-1511) 10Lutheran, Roman Catholicen de
Kaspar ZieglerProf. of Law (1654-1690) 175Lutherande | ADB
Wilhelm Leyser, IIProf. of Law (1658-1689) 0Lutherann/a
Faculty of Mathematics
Erasmus SchmidtProf. of Mathematics (1614-1637) 66Lutherande | ADB
Faculty of Medicine
Daniel SennertProf. of Medicine (1602-1637) 69Lutheranen de | ADB | Bayle
Marcus BanzerProf. of Medicine (?-?) 17Lutherann/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Johann StigelAdjunct (1544-?) 94Lutheran
Esrom RüdingerProf. of Physics (1557-?) 8LutheranADB
Edo HilderichProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1559-1564) 4LutheranADB
Edo HilderichProf. of Philosophy (1567-1573) 4LutheranADB
Abdias PrätoriusProf. of Philosophy (1571-1573) 24LutheranADB | VGT
Erasmus SchmidtProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1596-1597) 66Lutherande | ADB
Jacob MartiniProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1602-?) 223Lutherande | ADB | Scholasticon
Lorenz RhodomannProf. of History (1602-1606) 6Lutherande
Heinrich Julius StrubeLecturer (1608-1611) 25Lutherann/a
Balthasar MeisnerProf. of Ethics & Politics (1611-1613) 429Lutherande | ADB | Scholasticon
Georg GutkeProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1615-1618) 16LutheranNDB | Scholasticon
Johann ScharffProf. of Philosophy (1627-1649) 134LutheranADB
Johannes BornemannProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1628-1634) 0LutheranZedler
Gottfried OleariusProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1629-1633) 3Lutherande | ADB
Johann SperlingProf. of Physics (1634-1658) 41n/an/a
Andreas SennertProf. of Oriental Languages (1638-1689) 84Lutherande | ADB
Michael WendelerProf. of Philosophy (1641-?) 75Lutherann/a
Constantin ZiegraProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1645-?) 60Lutherande
Johann Andreas QuenstedtProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1646-1649) 234Lutherande en | ADB
Samuel PomariusProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1649-1653) 11Lutherann/a
Johann Andreas QuenstedtProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1649-1660) 234Lutherande en | ADB
Aegidius Strauch, IIProf. of Philosophy (1653-1666) 134Lutherande | ADB
Johann WeissProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1653-1654) 7Lutherann/a
August PfeifferProf. of Oriental Languages (1665-1671) 117Lutherande | ADB
Samuel SchelwigProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1667-1668) 32LutheranADB
Theodor DassoviusProf. of Oriental Languages (1676-1699) 116Lutherande | ADB | EMLO
Johann Helwig WillemerProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1679-1681) 23LutheranRotermund
Gerhard MeierProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1687-?) 10Lutherande | Rotermund
Heinrich KlausingProf. of Mathematics (1704-1707) 6LutheranADB | SB
Heinrich KlausingProf. of Ethics (1707-1712) 6LutheranADB | SB
Heinrich KlausingProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1712-1715) 6LutheranADB | SB
Heinrich KlausingProf. of Mathematics (1715-1719) 6LutheranADB | SB
Franz Volkmar ReinhardProf. of Philosophy (1780-1798) 0Lutheran  | NDB
Christian DonatProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (?-?) 79LutheranZedler
Johann Jacob FerberProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (?-?) 10LutheranHaag2
David GertmannProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 7Lutherann/a
Johann SimonProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (?-?) 12Lutherann/a
Johann StigelProf. of Latin (?-1547) 94Lutheran
Georg WagnerProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (?-?) 1Lutherann/a
August WolfProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (?-?) 2Lutherann/a
Faculty of Theology
Jodocus TrutfetterProf. of Theology (1507-?) 10n/an/a
Andreas KarlstadtProf. of Theology (1510-1522) 160Lutheranen de | HLS | NDB | VGT
Nicolaus von AmsdorffProf. of Theology (1511-1524) 138Lutherande en | NDB | VGT
Martin LutherDoctor in Bible (1512-1546) 1470Lutherande en | Bayle | CE | GAMEO | NDB | VGT
Philipp MelanchthonProf. of Theology (1519-1560) 969Lutherande en | Bayle | CE | GAMEO | HLS | NDB | Scholasticon | VGT
Matthaeus AurogallusProf. of Hebrew (1521-1543) 7Lutherande en | NDB
Matthias Flacius IllyricusProf. of Hebrew (1544-1549) 220Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Georg MajorProf. of Theology (1545-1574) 64Lutheranen de | VGT
Georgius VenetusProf. of Theology (1550-1556) 2LutheranADB
Paul EberProf. of Old Testament (1560-1569) 74Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Kaspar Cruciger, JrProf. of Theology (1569-1574) 3LutheranNDB
Johann HabermannProf. of Theology (1574-1576) 54Lutheranen de | NDB
Polykarp Leyser, IProf. of Theology (1577-1587) 30Lutheranen de | NDB | SB | VGT
Johannes SchützProf. of Theology (1577-1584) 2Lutherande | ADB
Johann MatthäusProf. of Theology (1581-1588) 12Lutherann/a
Georg MyliusProf. of Theology (1585-1589) 149Lutherande | ADB | VGT
Christoph GrunerPrivate Lecturer (1586-1588) 2Lutherann/a
David VoitProf. of Theology (1587-1589) 8Lutherande | VGT
Henricus MaiusProf. of Theology (1588-1592) 6Lutherande | ADB | VGT
Petrus CalaminusProf. of Theology (1590-1591) 17LutheranADB
Urban PieriusProf. of Theology (1590-1591) 17Lutherande pl | ADB | Rotermund | VGT
Samuel HuberProf. of Theology (1592-1595) 120Lutherann/a
Aegidius HunniusProf. of Theology (1592-1603) 402Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Salomon GesnerProf. of Theology (1593-1605) 106Lutherande | ADB | VGT
Polykarp Leyser, IProf. of Theology (1593-1594) 30Lutheranen de | NDB | SB | VGT
David RungeProf. of Theology (1595-1604) 75Lutherande | VGT
Johann Georg VolckmarProf. of Theology (1595-1596) 3Lutherann/a
Leonhard HutterProf. of Theology (1596-1616) 315Lutheranen de | NDB
Georg MyliusProf. of Theology (1603-1607) 149Lutherande | ADB | VGT
Wolfgang FranzProf. of Theology (1605-1628) 58LutheranADB
Friedrich BalduinProf. of Theology (1607-1627) 257Lutherande | ADB
Johann Förster, JrProf. of Theology (1607-1613) 41Lutherann/a
Polykarp Leyser, IIProf. of Theology (1610-1613) 44Lutheranen de | ADB
Balthasar MeisnerProf. of Theology (1613-1626) 429Lutherande | ADB | Scholasticon
Nikolaus HunniusProf. of Theology (1617-1623) 90Lutheranen de | NDB
Jacob MartiniProf. of Theology (1623-1649) 223Lutherande | ADB | Scholasticon
Wilhelm Leyser, IProf. of Theology (1627-1649) 14Lutherann/a
Paul RöberProf. of Theology (1627-1651) 132Lutherande | Zedler
Johann Hülsemann, SrProf. of Theology (1629-1646) 109LutheranBBKL | NDB
Martin TrostProf. of Hebrew (1629-1636) 8LutheranADB
Jacob WellerProf. of Theology (1635-1640) 24LutheranADB
Josephus AdiutusProf. of Theology (1646-1668) 8Lutherande
Johann ScharffProf. of Theology (1649-1660) 134LutheranADB
Abraham CalovProf. of Theology (1650-1686) 675Lutherande en | EMLO | NDB | Scholasticon
Johann MeisnerProf. of Theology (1650-1681) 146Lutherande | ADB
Andreas KunadProf. of Theology (1651-1662) 44Lutherande
Johann Andreas QuenstedtProf. of Theology (1660-1668) 234Lutherande en | ADB
Johann DeutschmannProf. of Theology (1662-1706) 374Lutheranen de | NDB
Aegidius Strauch, IIProf. of Theology (1666-?) 134Lutherande | ADB
Samuel PomariusProf. extraordinarius of Theology (1673-1675) 11Lutherann/a
Johann Friedrich MayerProf. of Theology (1684-1687) 101Lutherande | ADB | BBKL
Balthasar BebelProf. of Theology (1686-1686) 107Lutherande fr | ADB
Kaspar LoescherProf. of Theology (1687-1718) 69Lutherande
Michael Walther, JrProf. of Theology (1687-1692) 27Lutherande | ADB
Johann Georg NeumannProf. of Theology (1692-1709) 47LutheranADB
Philipp Ludwig HannekenProf. of Theology (1693-1706) 33LutheranNDB
Gottlieb WernsdorfProf. of Theology (1706-1729) 88Lutherande
Valentin Ernst LöscherProf. of Theology (1707-1709) 80Lutheranen de | NDB | SB
Martin ChladniProf. of Theology (1709-1725) 46Lutherann/a
Johann Heinrich FeustkingProf. of Theology (1709-1711) 22Lutherann/a
Georg Friedrich SchröerProf. of Theology (1712-1739) 23LutheranADB
Johann Georg AbichtProf. of Theology (1730-1739) 76Lutherande en | ADB | Zedler
Carl Gottlob HofmannProf. of Theology (1739-1774) 31Lutherande
Ernst Friedrich WernsdorfProf. of Theology (1756-1782) 19Lutherande
Franz Volkmar ReinhardProf. of Theology (1780-1792) 0Lutheran  | NDB
Christian Friedrich BauerProf. of Theology (?-?) 17Lutherann/a
Thaddeus LandmanProf. of Theology (?-?) 1Reformedn/a

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