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« John Gale (1680-1721)
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Theophilus Gale (1628-1679)
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Primary Sources (18 titles, 22 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (9) | Philosophy (13)
Results 1-9
The anatomie of infidelitie, or, An explanation of the nature, causes, aggravations and punishment of unbelief by Theophilus Gale. (Lonon [sic] : J.D. for Jonathan Robinson ..., 1672)
The Anatomie of Infidelitie. Or, an Explication of the Nature, Causes ... and Punishment of Unbelief (J. D., 1672)
Christ's tears for Jerusalems unbelief and ruine. Now humbly recommended to England's consideration in this her day of tryal and danger. By [faded print] reverend and learned divine Mr. Theophilus Gale. (London : M. Widdowes at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1679)
A Discourse of Christ's Coming: And the Influence, which the Expectation Thereof Hath on Al Manner of Holy Conversation and Godlinesse (John Hancock Senior and Junior; to be sold at the three Bibles in Popes head alley over against the exchange, 1673)
Theophilie : or a discourse of the saints amitie with god in Christ (London, 1671)
Theophilie: or a discourse of the saints amitie with god in Christ (London, 1671)
Theophilie: or a Discourse of the Saints Amitie with God in Christ, etc (1671)
The true idea of Jansenisme both historick and dogmatick. By T. G. (London : E. Calvert, at the west end of St. Pauls, and G. Widdows at the Maiden-Head in Aldersgate-Street, 1669)
The true idea of Jansenisme: both historick and dogmatick (London : Th. Gilbert in Oxon., 1669) [Preface by John Owen]

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“Theophilus Gale”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
“Theophil Gale”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
“Theophilus Galeus”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
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