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« Gilbert Jacchaeus (c.1578-1628)
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Arthur Jackson (c.1593-1666)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (3 titles, 3 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Annotations upon the five books immediately following the historicall part of the Old Testament (commonly called the five doctrinall or poeticall books) to wit, the book of Iob, the Psalms, the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon ... (London : Roger Daniel, for the authour ..., 1658)
A help for the understanding of the Holy Scripture intended chiefly for the assistance and information of those that use constantly every day to reade some part of the Bible, and would gladly alwayes understand what they read if they had some man to help them : the first part : containing certain short notes of exposition upon the five books of Moses, to wit Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomie : wherein all such passages in the text are explained as were thought likely to be questioned by any reader of ordinary capacity ... ([Cambridge, Cambridgeshire] : Roger Daniel..., 1643)
A help for the understanding of the Holy Scripture. Intended chiefly for the assistance and information of those that use constantly every day to reade some part of the Bible, and would gladly alwayes understand what they reade if they had some man to help them. The first part. Containing certain short notes of exposition upon the five books of Moses, to wit, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomie: wherein first, all such passages in the text are explained as were thought likely to be questioned by any reader of ordinary capacity; secondly, in many clauses those things are discovered which are needfull and usefull to be known, and not so easily at the first reading observed; and thirdly, many places that might at first seem to contradict one another are reconciled (Cambridge : Roger Daniel, 1643)

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