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« Nehemiah Rogers (bap.1594-1660)
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Richard Rogers (1551-1618)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (6 titles, 6 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Certaine sermons preached and penned by Richard Rogers preacher of Weathersfield in Essex, directly tending to these three ends. First, to bring any bad person (that hath not committed the sinne that is vnpardonable) to true conuersion. Secondly, to stablish and settle all such as are conuerted, in faith and repentance. Thirdly, to leade them forward (that are so setled) in the Christian life, to bring foorth the fruite of both. Whereunto are annexed diuers godlie and learned sermons of another reuerend and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. Samuel Wright, Bachelor of Diuinitie, late president of Sidney Colledge in Camebridge, deceased, tending also to the same ends, with diuers particular points in both, profitable and fit for these times. (London : ImFelix Kyngston for Thomas Man, 1612)
A commentary vpon the vvhole booke of Iudges. Preached first and deliuered in sundrie lectures; since collected, and diligently perused, and now published. For the benefit generally of all such as desire to grow in faith and repentance, and especially of them, who would more cleerely vnderstand and make vse of the worthie examples of the saints, recorded in diuine history. Penned by Richard Rogers preacher of Gods word at Wethersfield in Essex. (London : ImFelix Kyngston for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster Row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1615)
A commentary vpon the whole booke of Iudges (London : Felix Kyngston for Thomas Man, 1615)
Samuels encounter with Saul. I Sam. chap. 15 from ver. 13 to ver. 30. Preached and penned, by that worthy seruant of God, Mr. Richard Rogers, late preacher of Wetherfield, in Essex. And published word for word, according to this owne coppy, finished before his death. (London : Edw. Grifin, for Samuel Man, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Swan, 1620)
Seuen treatises containing such direction as is gathered out of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to true happines, both in this life, and in the life to come: and may be called the practise of Christianitie. Profitable for all such as heartily desire the same: in the which, more particularly true Christians may learne how to leade a godly and comfortable life euery day. Penned by Richard Rogers, preacher of the word of God at Wethersfield in Essex. (At London : ImFelix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, and Robert Dexter, and are to be sold at the brasen Serpent in Pauls Churchyard, 1603)
Seven treatises : containing directions, out of Scripture, leading to true happiness, 5th ed. (London : Assignes of Thomas Man for Richard Thrale, 1630) [Title page missiong; corrected date based on comparison with EEBO version]

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