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Primary Sources (5 titles, 5 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | The christian's daily walk (W. Collins, 1826) | GB |  |   |
The Christian's daily walk in holy security and peace ( Glasgow : William Collins, 1834) | IA |  |   |
The Christian's daily walk, in holy security and peace ( Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1800) | IA |  |   |
The Christians daily walke in holy securitie and peace. Being an answer to these questions, 1. How a man may doe each present dayes worke, with Christian chearefulnesse? 2. How to beare each present dayes crosse with Christian patience? Containing familiar directions; shewing 1. How to walke with God in the whole course of a mans life. 2. How to be upright in the said walking. 3. How to liue without taking care or thought any thing. 4. How to get and keepe true peace with God; wherein are manifold helpes to prevent and remove damnable presumption: also to quiet and to ease distressed consciences. First intended for private use; now (through importunity) published for the common good. By Henry Scudder, preacher of the word. ( London : I. B[eale] for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop, at the entring in of Popes-head Alley, out of Lumbard-street, 1631) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Eines wahren Christen Tägliche Wallfart/ Oder Eine trewhertzige Wegweisung und Anleytung/ wie man zu einem Gottseligen und gerühigen Leben und Wandel gelangen möge/ in allerley Zustand : Sonderlich ... I. Seinen ordentlichen und täglichen BeruffsGeschäfften mit christlicher Frewdigkeit abwarten. II. Sein tägliches Creutz mit gedultigem und getrostem Hertzen nachtragen soll / Anfäglich Durch Henricum Scudder, fürnehmen Theologum und Predigern deß Worts Gottes in Englischer Spraach beschrieben/ Jetzo aber ... in die Teutsche Spraach ubersetzt Durch D. H. P. ... ( Franckfurt am Mayn : Weiss, 1635) | ULBH |  |   |