Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: | | Milke and honey, or, A miscellaneous collation of many Christian experiences, sayings, sentences and several places of scripture improved : with a second part of Orthodox paradoxes ( London : T.R. & E.M. for John Rothwel & Joseph Nevil, 1653) | BDC | | |
Mysteries and revelations: Or, The explication and application of several extra-essential and borrowed names, allusions, and metaphors in the Scripture ( London : John Rothwell, at the Sunne and fountain in Pauls church-yard, 1652) | GB | | |
Orthodox paradoxes, or, A believer clearing truth by seeming contradictions. The second part ( London : T.R. & E.M. for John Rothwel, 1653) | BDC | | |
Orthodox Paradoxes, Theological and Experimental. Or, A Believer Clearing Truth by Seeming Contradictions: With an Appfndix [sic] Called The Triumph of Assurance. By Ralph Venning, 6th ed. (J. Rothwell, at the Fountain and Beare in Goldsmiths-row in Cheapside, 1654) | GB | | |
Die zum Dienste des Heiligthums Holz hauende ... Gibeoniter | | 1742 | GB | | |
Sorau, 1742 | BSB | | |