Primary Sources
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, S.J. (1557-1636)
Academic TitleProf. of Philosophy, Dillingen (1583-1589) | Prof. of Philosophy, Ingolstadt (1589-1592) | Prof. of Scholastic Theology, Dillingen (1592-1597) | Prof. of Moral Theology, Dillingen (1598-1599) | Prof. of Scholastic Theology, Dillingen (1599-?) | Prof. of Exegesis, Dillingen (1615-1620)
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Primary Sources (24 titles, 30 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: Theology (6) | Philosophy (24) | | De Praecipuis Eiusdem Symbolis, Quibus Christianae Ecclesiae Bellum, Atque Victoria adversus Romam Ethnicam, Ethnicumque Romanum imperium adumbratur ( Dilingae : Mayer, 1619) | BSB | | |
Disputatio ex apocalypsi de praecipuis eiusdem symbolis, quibus christianae ecclesiae bellum atque victoria adversus romam ethnicam ethnicumque romanum imperium adumbratur ( Dilingae : Mayer, 1619) | GB | | |
Disputatio theologica de gratia divina | | Dilingae : Mayer, 1595 | GB | | |
Dispvtatio Ex Apocalypsi De Praecipvis Eivsdem Symbolis, Qvibvs Christianae Ecclesiae Bellvm Atqve Victoria adversus Romam Ethnicam Ethnicumque Romanum imperium adumbratur (Mayer, 1619) | GB | | |
Dispvtatio Theologica De Sacramentis In Genere ( Dilingae : Mayer, 1595) | BSB | | |