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« Zachary Brooke (1716-1788)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (12 titles, 26 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (11) | Theology (15)
Results 1-15
Apples of gold for young men and women ... or, The happiness of being good betimes (1859)
Apples of gold, or, A word in season to young men and women (Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1857)
The complete works of Thomas Brooks (J. Nichol)
Vol. 1 (1866)
Vol. 3 (1866) GB 
Güldene Aepffel Vor Jünglinge und Jungfrauen, Wie auch eine Ehren-Crone Vor Alte Männer und Matronen (Hamburg, 1717)
London's Lamentations: or, A serious Discourse concerning that late fiery Dispensation that turned our (once renowned) City into a ruinous Heap (London : J. Hancock and N. Ponder, 1670)
London's lamentations: or, A serious discourse concerning that late fiery dispensation that turned our (once renowned) city into a ruinous heap. Also the several lessons that are incumbent upon those whose houses have escaped the consuming flames (London : J. Hancock and N. Ponder, 1670)
The mute Christian under the smarting rod : with sovereign antidotes for every case : or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions ... (London : For William Baynes, 1820)
The mute Christian under the smarting rod, with sovereign antidotes for every case, or, A Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth, 48th ed. (1806)
The precious remedies against Satan's devices (New Haven : Nathan Whiting, 1832)
Precious remedies against Satan's devices: being a companion for Christians of all denominations (Jonathan Pounder, 1810)
Precious remedies against satan's devices. or, Salve for Believers and unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that fight or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spirituals) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted or opposed, that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c (London, Printed by R. White : for John Hancock, 1671)
The privie key of heaven; or Twenty arguments for closet-prayer, in a select discourse, 3rd ed., ed. George Lewis (1820)

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