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« George Ashwell (1612-1694)
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Bartholomew Ashwood (1622-1678)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReference | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (3 titles, 3 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The best treasure, or, The way to be truly rich : being a discourse on Ephes. 3. 8 ; wherein is opened and commended to saints and sinners the personal and purchased riches of Christ, as the best treasure, to be pursu'd, and ensur'd by all that would be happy here and hereafter (London : William Marshal, 1681)
The best treasure, or, The way to be truly rich: being a discourse on Ephes. 3.8, wherein is opened and commended to saints and sinners the personal and purchased riches of Christ, as the best treasure, to be pursu'd and ensur'd by all that would be happy here and hereafter (London : William Marshall, 1681)
The Heavenly Trade, or the Best Merchandizing: The only way to live well in improviserishing times (London : Samuel Lee, 1679)

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