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« Robert Calder (c.1659-1723)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
David Calderwood (1575-1650)
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Primary Sources (11 titles, 19 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The altar of Damascus, or the patern of the English hierarchie, and church policie obtruded upon the Church of Scotland ([Amsterdam?], 1621)
Altare Damascenum, ceu, Politia Ecclesiae Anglicanae obtrusa Ecclesiae Scoticanae : a formalista quodam dilineata, illustrata & examinata studio & opera Edwardi Didoclavij : cui locis suis interserta confutatio Paraneseos Tileni ad Scotos Genevensis, ut ait, disciplinae zelotas et adjecta epistola Hieronymi Philadelphi de regimine Ecclesiae Scoticanae : ejusque Vindiciae contra calumnias Iohannis Spotsuodi fani Andreae pseudoarchiepiscopi per anonymum .. (1623)
Altare Damascenum; seu ecclesiae Anglicanae politia, ecclesiae Scoticanae obtrusa, à formalista quodam delineata ... et examinata, sub nomine olim Edwardi Didoclavii; cui locis suis interserta confutatio Paraeneseos Tileni ad Scotos ... et adjecta epistola Hieronymi Philadelphi de regimine ecclesiae Scoticanae, ejusque vindiciae contra calumnias Johannis Spotsvodi, per anonymum .. (Lugduni Batavorum, 1708)
Altare Damascenum: seu ecclesiae anglicanae politia, ecclesiae scoticanae obtrusa, a formalista quodam delineata, illustrata et examinata (Leiden, 1708)
The history of the Kirk of Scotland (Edinburgh : Wodrow Society)
Vol. 1 (1842)
Vol. 2 (1842) IA 
Vol. 3 (1842) IA 
Vol. 4 (1842) IA 
Vol. 5 (1842) IA 
Vol. 6 (1842) IA 
Vol. 7 (1842) IA 
Vol. 8 (1842) IA 
The pastor and the prelate, or Reformation and conformitie ([Holland?], 1628)
The pastor and the prelate; or, Reformation and conformity shortly compared ... with the answer of the common and chief objections against every part: showing whether of the two is to be followed by the true Christian and patriot .. (Philadelphia : S. Agnew, 1844)
Perth Assembly : Containing 1. The proceedings thereof. 2. The proofe of the nullitie thereof. 3. Reasons presented thereto against the receiving the five new Articles imposed. 4. The oppositenesse of it to the proceedings and oath of the whole state of the land. An. 1581. 5. Proofes of the unlawfulnesse of the said five Articles .. ([Leiden] : [William Brewster, Pilgrim Press], 1619)
The Presbyterian's Armoury, vol. 3 (Edinburgh : R. Ogle and Oliver & Boyd, 1846) / added author(s): Samuel Rutherford, John Brown of Wamphray, James Guthrie [Includes: Samuel Rutherford, Lex Rex, or the Law and the Prince; John Brown, An Apologetical Relation of the Particular Sufferings of the Faithful Ministers and Professors of the Church of Scotland; David Calderwood, The Pastor and Prelate, or Reformation and Conformity; James Guthrie, Causes of the Lord's Wrath Against Scotland]
A re-examination of the five articles enacted at Perth anno 1618 : To wit. Concerning The communicants gesture in the act of receaving. The observation of festivall dayes. Episcopall confirmation or bishopping. The administration of baptisme And The supper or the Lord in privat places ([Holland?], 1636)
The true history of the Church of Scotland, from the beginning of the reformation, unto the end of the reigne of King James VI ([Edinburgh?], 1678)

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