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« Nicholas Bernard (-1661)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Richard Bernard (bap.1568-1642)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (13 titles, 13 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The anatomie of the common prayer-book : wherein is remonstrated the unlawfulness of it, and that by five several arguments, namely, from the name of it, the rise, the matter, the manner, and the evil effects of it (1661) [Also attributed to John Bernard]
Christian see to thy conscience : or a treatise of the nature, kinds and manifold differences of conscience .. (London : ImFelix Kyngston for Robert Milbourne, 1631)
The faithful shepheard : with The shepheards practise in preaching annexed thereunto .. (London : Arnold Hatfield, 1609)
The faithful shepherd .. (London : Thomas ..., 1621)
The Faithfull Shepheard, Or, The Shepheards Faithfulnesse: Wherein is for the Matter Largely, But for the Maner, in Few Words, Set Forth the Excellencie and Necessitie of the Ministerie; a Ministers Properties and Dutie; His Entrance Into this Function and Charge; how to Begin Fitly to Instruct ... (1607)
The faithfull shepherd .. (London : Thomas Pavier, 1621)
The isle of man : or, The legall proceeding in man-shire against sinne .. (London : R.I. for Edward Blackmore, 1658)
The Isle of Man, or, The legal proceedings in Manshire against sin: wherein, by way of a continued allegory, the chief malefactors disturbing both church and commonwealth, are detected and attached ; with their arraignment and judicial trial, according to the laws of England ... (and for Richard Edwards, 1803)
The Isle of Man; (London : T. Tegg and son, 1834)
Looke beyond Luther : or an answer to that question proposed by our adversaries, where our religion was before Luthers time (London : Weaver u.a., 1624)
Looke beyond Luther: or an answer to that question proposed by our adversaries, where our religion was before Luthers time (London : Weaver, 1624)
A threefold treatise of the Sabbath : distinctly divided into the Patriarchall, the Mosaicall, the Christian Sabbath .. (London : Richard Bishop for Edward Blackmore, 1641)
A threefold treatise of the Sabbath, distinctly divided into the patriarchall, Mosaicall, Christian Sabbath for the better clearning and manifestation of the truth in this controversie concerning the weekly Sabbath (London : R. Bishop, 1641)

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