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John Leland (1691-1766)
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Primary Sources (35 titles, 51 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted : with a particular vindication of the character of Moses, and the prophets, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and his apostles, against the unjust aspersions and false reasonings of a book, entitled, The moral philosopher (London : Richard Hett)
Vol. 3 (1739)
Vol. 4 (1739) IA 
Vol. 5 (1739) IA 
The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted against the unjust aspersions and false reasonings of a book entitled The moral philosopher [microform] : to which is added a defence of this book against the exceptions and misrepresentations in the second volume of The moral philosopher (London : T. Tegg, 1837)
The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted against the unjust aspersions and false reasonings of a book entitled The moral philosopher: to which is added a defence of this book against the exceptions and misrepresentations in the second volume of The moral philosopher (T. Tegg, 1837)
The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted, with a particular indication of the character of Moses etc... (Cegg, 1837)
The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted: with a particular vindication of the characters of Moses, and the prophets, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and his apostles, against the unjust aspersions and false reasonings of a book, entitled, The moral philosopher (Richard Hett, 1739)
The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted: with a particular vindication of the characters of Moses, and the prophets, our saviour Jesus Christ, and his apostles, against the unjust aspersions and false reasonings of a book, entitled, The moral philosopher. By John Leland, ... (Richard Hett: and sold by Mr. George Risk in Dublin, 1740)
Erweis der Vortheile und Nothwendigkeit der christlichen Offenbarung, vol. 1 (1769)
Erweis der vortheile und rothwendigkeit der christlichen offenbarung. John Leland (Dietrich, 1769)
Nouvelle D?emonstration Evangelique, Olu l'on prouve l'utilit?e & la n?ecessit?e de la R?ev?elation Chr?etienne par l'?etat de la Religion dans le Paganisme ...: Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois, & consid?erablement augment?e de Notes & de Remarques, vol. 4 (Plomteux, 1768)
Nouvelle démonstration évangélique, vol. 4 (1768)
Nouvelle démonstration évangélique de John Leland (Desaint, 1769)
Nouvelle démonstration évangélique par G. Leland (Plouteux, 1768)
Reflections on the late Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the study and use of history : especially so far as they relate to Christianity and the Holy Scriptures : to which are added observations on some passages in those letters concerning the consequences of the late revolution and the state of things under the present establishment (London : B. Dod ..., 1753)
Reflections on the late Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the study and use of history: especially so far as they relate to Christianity and the Holy Scriptures : to which are added observations on some passages in those letters concerning the consequences of the late revolution and the state of ... (B. Dod, 1753)
Remarks on a late pamphlet entitled, Christianity not founded on argument : in a letter to a friend (London : R. Hett and sold by J. Stagg, 1744)
A supplement to the first and second volumes of the View of the principal deistical writers : containing additions and illustrations relating to those volumes, in several letters to a friend ; to which is added, Reflections on the late Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the study and use of history, as far as relates to Holy Scriptures ; with a large index to the three volumes (London : B. Dod, 1756)
A view of the principal deistical writers ... in England in the last and present century (1754)
A view of the principal deistical writers ... in England in the last and present century. [Another] To which is added an appendix by W.L. Brown (1837)
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