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« Charles Hornby (fl.1712-1716)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
George Horne (1730-1792)
TraditionAnglicanReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (34 titles, 45 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Aphorisms and opinions of dr. George Horne, with notes and a biogr. sketch (1857)
Aphorisms and opinions: With notes and a biographical sketch (1857)
An apology for certain gentlemen in the University of Oxford, aspersed in a late anonymous pamphlet. With a short postscript concerning another pamphlet lately published by the Rev. Mr. Heathcote (Oxford : Theatre for S. Parker ..., 1756)
The Book of psalms, in verse; with a short explanatory preface to each psalm, taken chiefly from bp. Horne's Commentary (The Philanthropic Society, 1820)
A commentary of the Book of Psalms : in which their literal and historical sense, as they relate to King David and the people or Israel, is illustrated; and their application to Messiah, to the church, and to individuals as members thereof, is pointed out; with a view to render the use of the psalter pleasing and profitable to all orders and degreees of christians (New York ; Pittsburgh : Robert Carter, 1845)
A commentary on the book of Psalms (Glasgow : Chalmers and Collins)
Vol. 1 (1825)
Vol. 2 (1825) IA 
Vol. 3 (1825) IA 
New york : R. Carter, 1845IA 
New york : R. Carter, 1854IA 
Philadelphia : J. Whetham, 1833IA 
Commentary on the book of Psalms : in which their literal and historical sense, as they relate to king David and the people of Israel, is illustrated and their application to Messiah, to the church, and to individuals as members thereof, is pointed out; ... to which is prefixed a memoir of the life of the author (Philadelphia : Alexander Towar, 1822)
A commentary on the Book of Psalms : in which their literal or historical sense, as they relate to King David, and the people of Israel, is illustrated : and their application to Messiah, to the Church, and to individuals, as members thereof, is pointed out with a view to render the use of the psalter pleasing and profitable to all orders and degrees of Christians, vol. 2 (London : G. and J. Robinson, by J. Crowder and E. Hemsted, 1802)
A Commentary On The Book Of Psalms In Which Their Literal or Historical Sense, as they relate to King David and The People Of Israel, is illustrated ..., vol. 2 (Morison, 1794)
A commentary on the Book of psalms. 1st Amer. ed, 7th ed. (1802)
A commentary on the Book of psalms. ed. by C. Bradley
A commentary on the book of Psalms. In which their literal or historical sense, as they relate to King David, and the people of Israel, is illustrated; and their application to Messiah, to the church, and to individuals, as members thereof, is pointed out; with a view to render the use of the ... (Griffin and Rudd, 1813)
Considerations on the life and death of Abel; on the life and translation of Enoch; and on the life of Noah (1812)
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