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De descensu domini nostri Iesu Christi ad inferos. Libri quatuor ( Amsterdam : In aedibus Aegidii Thorpii, 1611) | GB | | |
De politeia ecclesiastica Christi, et hierarchica opposita, libri tres ( Frankfurt : apud Godefridum Basson, 1616) | GB | | |
De Politeia Ecclesiastica Christi, Et Hierarchica Opposita, Libri Tres : In quibus tam verae disciplinae fundamenta: quam omnes fere de eadem controversiae, summo cum iudicio & doctrina methodice pertractantur / Authore Roberto Parkero Anglo ... ( Francofurti ; [Leiden] : Basson, 1616) | ULBH | | |
De politeia ecclesiastica libri duo ( 1638) | GB | | |
De politeia ecclesiastica libri duo. De ejus subjecto: scilicet Ecclesia. A Roberto Parkero, pietate & doctrina praestantissimo conscripti ( 1638) | GB | | |
An exposition of the powring out of the fourth vial mentioned in the sixteenth of the Revelation by Master Robert Parker ; wherein he differs from M. Brightman, and other Protestant divines, which hold that these judgements are to be poured out upon the Church of Rome, and that party, but he conceives they have reference unto these times, and are to be poured out upon some Protestant princes and churches. ( London : Thomas Pierrepont ..., 1650) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Roberti Parkeri De politeia ecclesiastica : libri duo ( 1638) | BSB | | |