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Benjamin Hoadly (1676-1761)
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An answer to a calumny cast upon the Bishop of Bangor, by the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, at the conclusion of his new book, entitled, A vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts, &c (W. Wilkins, for James Knapton at the Crown, and Tim. Childe, at the White-Hart in St. Paul's Church-Yard., 1718)
An answer to a calumny cast upon the Bishop of Bangor, by the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, at the conclusion of his new book, entitled, A vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts, &c. By Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Bangor (W. Wilkins, for James Knapton, and Tim. Childe, 1718)
An answer to a late book, written by the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester,: intitled, The condition and example of our blessed saviour vindicated, &c (W. Wilkins; for J. Knapton at the Crown, and Tim Childe at the White-Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard., 1718)
An answer to a letter to the Bishop of Bangor, written by one Andrew Snap, Part 4 (T. Warner at the Black Boy, 1717)
An answer to the Reverend Dr. Snape's accusation: Containing an account of his behaviour, and sufferings, amongst the Jesuits. Of his leaving their society, and afterwards turning Protestant. Of his being forced to leave France, and his conduct since that time. Shewing likewise, that the ... (James Knapton at the Crown, and Tim. Childe at the White Hart, in St. Paul's Church-yard., 1717)
An answer to the Reverend Dr. Snape's Letter to the Bishop of Bangor: By ... Benjamin Lord Bishop of Bangor (James Knapton, and Timothy Childe, 1717)
Der argwöhnische Ehemann : Ein Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen (Hamburg : Herold, 1785)
Benjamin Hoadlys Bischofs zu Winchester deutlicher Unterricht von der Natur und dem Zwecke des Heiligen Nachtmals : worinn alle Stellen des Neuen Testaments, so sich darauf beziehen, angeführet und erkläret sind, und die ganze Lehre von dieser heiligen Handlung daraus hergeleitet wird / Aus dem Englischen übersetzt; mit einer Vorrede des Königl. Preußischen Hof-PredigersA. F. W. Sacks von der Redensart: Seine Andacht haben (Berlin ; Potsdam : Voß, 1758)
Betrachtungen über eine Reihe elektrischer Versuche (Weidmann u. Reich, 1763)
A charge deliver'd to the clergy, at the primary visitation of the diocese of Sarum, in the year, MDCCXXVI (London : J. and J. Knapton, 1726)
Examen des illusions de plusieurs de nos Protestans (1716)
The fears and sentiments of all true Britains: with respect to national credit, interest and religion (A. Baldwin, in Warwick-Lane, 1710)
An humble reply to the right reverend the Lord Bishop of Exeter's answer: In which the considerations lately offered to his Lordship are vindicated: and an apology is added for defending the foundation of the present government (printed, for E. Sanger at the Post house, and J. Pemberton at the Golden-Buck over-against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, 1709)
A letter to a friend in Lancashire: occasioned by a report, concerning injunctions, and prohibitions, by authority; relating to some points of religion, now in debate (John Baker, 1714)
A letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis Atterbury : occasion'd by the doctrine lately deliver'd by him in a funeral sermon ... August 30, 1706 (London : H. Hills in Black-Fryars near the waterside. For the benefit of the poor, 1706)
A letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis Atterbury:: occasion'd by the doctrine lately deliver'd by him in a funeral sermon on 1 Cor. 15.19. August 30. 1706.. (A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane., 1706)
Le moyen de plaire à Dieu sous l'Evangile
Marc-Mic. Bousquet Libraire et Antoine Chapuis Imprimeur, 1752GB 
Marret & Valat, 1720GB 
The nature of the Kingdom, or Church, of Christ: A sermon preach'd before the King, at the Royal Chapel at St. James's, on Sunday March 31, 1717 (James Knapton, at the Crown, and Timothy Childe, at the White Hart, in St. Paul's Church-Yard., 1717)
The Nature of the Kingdom, or Church, of Christ: A sermon preach'd before the King, at the Royal Chapel at St. James's, on Sunday March 31, 1717 (The booksellers of London and Westminster., 1717)
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