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« William Douglas (fl.1643-1666)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Dove (-1772)
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Primary Sources (13 titles, 17 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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A creed founded on truth and common sense (london, 1750)
A creed founded on truth and common sense: with some strictures on the origin of our ideas, ... a letter to his grace the Abp of Canterbury, and an appendix to the Rev. Dr. Foster. By John Dove. ... (R. Spavan; and to be had at the pamphlet shops in London and Westminster, 1750)
A Dissertation upon the suppose existence of the Moral Law of Nature and upon the being of a Trinne God
Wither, 1757GB 
London : Wither, 1757BSB 
A dissertation upon the supposed existence of a moral law of nature, and upon the being of a triune god. Wherein is shewn that the idea of the former is not to be found in scripture, and is contrary to reason: and that the latter is contained in scripture, and is not contrary to reason. With a letter to the Right Reverend Thomas, Lord Bishop of Oxford. And a postscript to the Dunciad, the critical and monthly reviewers (London : author and sold by E. Withers ..., 1757)
An essay on inspiration
London, 1756BSB 
The Importance of Rabbinical learning : or the advantage of understanding the rites, customs, usages, ... of the Talmudists ... (London, 1746)
The importance of rabbinical learning, or, the advantage of understanding the rites, customs, usages, phraseology, &c. of the Talmudists considered, with some remarks on their ænigmatical and sublime method of instruction. Occasion'd by the Rev. Mr. John Gill's preface to his learned comment on ... (J. Oswald, 1746)
Miscellanious Dissertations on Marriage, Celibacy, Covetousness, Virtue, the modern system of Education ...
Miller, 1769GB 
London : Miller, 1769BSB 
Plain Truth : or Quakerism Unmasked ; In a Supplement to the essay on Inspiration (London : Withers, 1756)
Plain Truth: Or Quakerism Unmasked : In a Supplement to the Essay on Inspiration (Withers, 1756)
Remarks upon a Pamphlet written by the Rev. Caleb Heming in a letter of admonition ...
London, 1756BSB 
A vindication of the Hebrew Scriptures : with animadversions (London : Norris, 1771)
A vindication of the Hebrew Scriptures: with animadversions (Norris, 1771)

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