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« Rice Adams (c.1657-1738)
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Thomas Adams (1583-1652)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | BBKL | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (26 titles, 27 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (6) | Theology (21)
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The blacke devil or the apostate Together with the wolfe worrying the lambes. And the spiritual navigator, bound for the Holy Land. In three sermons. By Thomas Adams. ([London] : William Iaggard, 1615)
The deuills banket described in foure sermons [brace], 1. The banket propounded, begunne, 2. The second seruice, 3. The breaking vp of the feast, 4. The shot or reckoning, [and] The sinners passing-bell, together with Phisicke from heauen (London : Thomas Snodham for Ralph Mab, and are to be sold in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Grayhound, 1614)
Diseases of the soule a discourse diuine, morall, and physicall. By Tho. Adams. (London : George Purslowe for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at the great south-dore of Paules, and at Brittaines Bursse, 1616)
The diuells banket (London : Thomas Snodham, 1614)
A divine herball together with a forrest of thornes In five sermons. ... By Tho. Adams. (London : George Purslowe, for Iohn Budge, and are to be solde at his shop, at the great south-dore of Pauls, and at Brittaines Burse, 1616)
Eirenopolis: = the citie of peace Surueyed and commended to all Christians. By Tho. Adams. (London : Aug. Matthewes for Iohn Grismand, and are to bee sold at his shop in Pauls Alley at the signe of the Gunne, 1622)
Englands sicknes, comparatively conferred with Israels Diuided into two sermons, by Tho: Adams. (London : Imprinted by E: G[riffin] : for Iohn Budge, and Ralph Mab, 1615)
An exposition upon the Second epistle general of St. Peter (Edinburgh : J. Nichol, 1862)
An exposition upon the second epistle general of St. Peter (London : Henry G. Bohn, 1848)
Fiue sermons preached vpon sundry especiall occasions Viz. 1 The sinners mourning habit: in Whitehall, March 29. being the first Tuesday after the departure of King Iames into blessednesse. 2 A visitation sermon: in Christs Church, at the trienniall visitation of the right reuerend father in God the lord bishop of London. 3 The holy choice: in the chappell by Guildhall, at the solemne election of the right honorable the lord maior of London. 4 The barren tree: at Pauls-Crosse, Octob. 26. 5 The temple: at Pauls-Crosse. August 5. By Tho: Adams. (London : [by Aug. Matthewes and John Norton] for Iohn Grismand, 1626)
The gallants burden A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the twentie nine of March, being the fift Sunday in Lent. 1612. By Tho. Adams ... (London : W. W[hite] for Clement Knight, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Pauls church-yard at the signe of the Holy Lambe, 1612)
God's anger ; and, Man's comfort two sermons (London : Tho. Maxey for Samuel Man ..., 1652)
The happines of the church, or, A description of those spirituall prerogatiues vvherewith Christ hath endowed her considered in some contemplations vpon part of the 12. chapter of the Hebrewes : together with certain other meditations and discourses vpon other portions of Holy Scriptures, the titles wherof immediately precede the booke : being the summe of diuerse sermons preached in S. Gregories London (London : G.P. for Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at his shop neere vnto the little north dore of Saint Pauls, at the signe of the Gun, 1619)
Heauen and earth reconcil'd A sermon preached at Saint Paules church in Bedford, October. 3. 1612. At the visitation of the right Wor. M. Eland, Archdeacon of Bedford. By Tho. Adams ... (London : W. W[hite] for Clement Knight, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the holy Lambe, 1613)
Mystical bedlam, or the vvorld of mad-men. By Tho: Adams (London : George Purslowe for Clement Knight, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Holy Lambe, 1615)
The sacrifice of thankefulnesse A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the third of December, being the first Aduentuall Sunday, anno 1615. By Tho. Adams. Whereunto are annexed fiue other of his sermons preached in London, and else-where; neuer before printed. ... (London : Thomas Purfoot, for Clement Knight, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Holy Lambe, 1616)
The sermons of Thomas Adams, the Shakespeare of Puritan theologians; a selection edited by John Brown (Edinburgh : Cambridge University Press, 1909)
The souldiers honour Wherein by diuers inferences and gradations it is euinced, that the profession is iust, necessarie, and honourable: to be practised of some men, praised of all men. Together with a short admonition concerning munition, to this honour'd citie. Preached to the worthy companie of gentlemen, that exercise in the artillerie garden: and now on thier second request, published to further vse. By Tho. Adams. (London : Adam Islip and Edward Blount, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the blacke Beare, 1617)
The three divine sisters, Faith, Hope, and Charity (London : Thomas Nelson, 1847)
The three divine sisters, faith, hope, and charity : The leaven, or, A direction to heaven ; A crucifix, or, A sermon upon the passion ; Semper idem, or, The immutable mercy of Jesus Christ (New York : R. Carter, 1847)
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