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Dutch Reformed Church of America
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Primary Sources (2 titles, 8 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Ecclesiastical Records, State of New York, ed. Hugh Hastings (Albany : J. B. Lyon)
Vol. 1 (1901) [1621-1680]
Vol. 2 (1901) [1680-1701] GB 
Vol. 3 (1902) [1701-1725] GB 
Vol. 4 (1902) [1725-1750] GB 
Vol. 5 (1905) [1751-1760] GB 
Vol. 6 (1905) [1761-1801] GB 
Vol. 7 (1916) [Index] GB 
The Psalms of David, with hymns and spiritual songs : also, the catechism, confession of faith, and liturgy of the Reformed Church in the Netherlands ; for the use of the Reformed Dutch Church in North America ; with an appendix, containing, Articles explanatory of the government and discipline of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States of America (New-Brunswick : Abraham Blauvelt, 1798)

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