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George Downame (c.1563-1634)
TraditionAnglican, ReformedReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (33 titles, 35 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (31) | Philosophy (4) | Related (1)
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Abrahams tryall a sermon preached at the Spittle, in Easter weeke. Anno Domini 1602. By George Downame Doctor of Diuinity. (At London : [by R. Field and F. Kingston] for Humfrey Lownes, 1602)
An Abstract of the Duties Commanded, and Sinnes Forbidden in the Law of God, ed. Basill Nicoll (ImFelix Kyngston., 1620)
An abstract of the duties commanded, and sinnes forbidden in the law of God. [Edited by B. Nicoll.] MS. additions (F. Kingston, 1635)
An abstract of the duties commanded, and sinnes forbidden in the Law of God. By the Right Reuerend Father in God, George Dovvname, Doctor of Diuinity, and Lord Bishop of Derry. (At London : ImFelix Kyngston, 1620)
An apostolicall injunction for unity and peace. Or, a sermon preached by George Downame Master of Arts of Christs Colledge in Cambridge, to the parishioners of Saint Stephens in Walbrooke, at his departure from them. (London : J. Okes dwelling in little S. Bartholomews, 1639)
A briefe summe of divinitie shewing the plainest way, how a man ought to examine his waies in this life, to the attainment of eternitie : wherein the whole doctrine of Christian libertie is briefly handled, and may serve for instruction of all such as desire to exercise their guifts aright, which are in these our daies very much abused. (W. Webb ..., 1652)
The Christian arte of thriving, whereby a man may become rich to God, or, A sermon vpon Matth.6.33 preached by the right reuerend father in God, George, Lord Bishop of Derry. (At London : ImFelix Kyngston, 1620)
The Christian's Freedom ... The Second Edition (1836)
The Christians freedome wherein is fully expressed the doctrine of Christian libertie. By the rt. reuerend father in God, George Downeham, Doctor of Diuinity and Ld. Bp. of Derry. (Oxford : Leonard Lichfield for William Webb, 1635)
The Christians Freedome, Wherein is Fully Expressed the Doctrine of Christian Libertie, vol. 2 (Leonard Lichfield for William Webb, 1635)
The Christians sanctuarie vvhereinto being retired, he may safely be preserued in the middest of all dangers. Fit for all men to read at all times, especially for those that are exercised in the schoole of affliction, in the time of Gods present visitation. Described in two bookes or treatises: I. Of the Christian exercise of fasting. II. Of holy inuocation on Gods name. By George Dovvname Doctor of Diuinitie. (London : Adam Islip for Thomas Man [I], dvvelling in Pater-noster Row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1604)
The Christians Sanctuarie: Whereinto Being Retired, He May Safely be Preserved in the Middest of All Dangers, Etc (Thomas Man, 1604)
The covenant of grace or An exposition upon Luke 1. 73.74.75. By George Downame Doctour of Divinity, and Bishop of Dery. (Dublin : Society of Stationers to Kings most Excellent Maiestie, 1631)
The covenant of grace, or, An exposition upon Luke I. 73, 74, 75 by George Dovvname ... (London : John Macock for Ralph Smith ..., 1647)
A defence of the sermon preached at the consecration of the L. Bishop of Bath and VVelles against a confutation thereof by a namelesse author. Diuided into 4. bookes: the first, prouing chiefly that the lay or onely-gouerning elders haue no warrant either in the Scriptures or other monuments of antiquity. The second, shewing that the primitiue churches indued with power of ecclesiasticall gouernment, were not parishes properly but dioceses, and consequently that the angels of the churches or ancient bishops were not parishionall but diocesan bishops. The third, defending the superioritie of bishops aboue other ministers, and prouing that bishops alwayes had a prioritie not onely in order, but also in degree, and a maioritie of power both for ordination and iurisdiction. The fourth, maintayning that the episcopall function is of apostolicall and diuine institution. (London : Thomas Creed, William Hall, and Thomas Snodham, 1611)
The doctrine of practicall praying together with a learned exposition on the Lords prayer (London : W.H. for Nicolas Bourne, 1656)
A funerall sermon preached at Watton in Hertfordshire, at the buriall of the ancient and worthy knight, Sir Philip Boteler, Decemb. 9. 1606. (At London : Felix Kyngston and Martin Clarke, 1607)
A godly and learned treatise of prayer which both conteineth in itthe doctrine of prayer, and also sheweth the practice of it in the exposition of the Lords prayer: by that faithfull and painfull servant of God George Downame, Doctr of Divinity, and late L. Bishop of Dery in the realm of Ireland. (Cambridge : Roger Daniel for Nicolas Bourn; and are to be sold at his shop at the south-entrance into the Royall Exchange in London, 1640)
A godly and learned Treatise of Prayer. [Edited by J. Downame.] (R. Daniel for N. Bourne, 1640)
Lectures on the XV. Psalme read in the cathedrall church of S. Paule, in London. Wherein besides many other very profitable and necessarie matters, the question of vsurie is plainely and fully decided. By George Dovvname, Doctor of Diuinitie. Whereunto are annexed two other treatises of the same authour, the one of fasting, the other of prayer. (London : Adam Islip for Cuthbert Burbie, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Swan, 1604)
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