Share: Theology (49) | Philosophy (2) | Related (1) | | Aantekeningen over de vijf boeken Mosis, psalmen en Hooge lied ... (Hero Nauta, 1691) | GB | | |
Aantekeningen over de vijf boeken Mosis, Psalmen en Hooge Lied, waar in de Hebreeusche woorden en spreuken worden vergeleeken met de oude Griexsche en Chaldeeusche oversettingen .... Met een bericht belangende sommige tegenwerpingen tegen de onvervalschtheyd van de Hebreeusche text, ende de ... (gedrukt bij Hero Nauta, 1690) | GB | | |
An Animadversion to Mr Richard Clyftons Advertisement ( Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1613) | GB | | |
An animadversion to Mr Richard Clyftons advertisement. Who under pretense of answering Chr. Lawnes book, hath published an other mans private letter, with Mr Francis Iohnsons answer therto. Which letter is here justified; the answer therto refuted: and the true causes of the lamentable breach that hath lately fallen out in the English exiled Church at Amsterdam, manifested, by Henry Ainsworth. ( Amsterdam : Giles Thorp, 1613) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Annotations on the Pentateuch or the five books of Moses ; the Psalms of David and the Song of Solomon : with a memoir of the author, vol. 2 ( Glasgow : Blackie, 1846) | IA | | |
Annotations Upon the Book of Psalmes: Wherein the Hebrew Words and Sentences are Compared With, and Explained by the Ancient Greek and Chaldee Versions: But Chiefly by Conference with the Holy Scriptures, 2nd ed., vol. 1 (G. Thorp, 1617) | GB | | |
Annotations upon the Book of Psalmes: Wherein the Hebrew words and sentences are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greek and Chaldee versions: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures, 2nd ed. ( Amsterdam : G. Thorp], 1617) | IA | | |
Annotations Upon the Fifth Book of Moses, Called Deuteronomie: Wherin, by Conference of the Holy Scriptures, by Comparing the Greek and Chaldee Versions and Testimonies of Hebrew Writers, the Histories, Lawes and Ordinances, which Moses (a Little Before His Death) Repeated and Enlarged ..., vol. 1 ( 1619) | GB | | |
Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the Book of the psalmes, and Song of songs, or, Canticles | | 1843 | GB | | |
Glasgow : Blackie | | Vol. 1 (1843) | IA | | |
Vol. 2 (1843) | IA | | |
London : M. Parsons, 1639 | GB | | |
Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, or, Canticles VVherein the Hebrevv vvords and sentences, are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greeke and Chaldee versions, and other records and monuments of the Hebrewes: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures, Moses his words, lawes and ordinances, the sacrifices, and other legall ceremonies heretofore commanded by God to the Church of Israel, are explained. With an advertisement touching some objections made against the sinceritie of the Hebrew text, and allegation of the Rabbines in these annotations. As also tables directing unto such principall things as are observed in the annotations upon each severall booke. By Henry Ainsworth. ( London : [by M. Flesher and J. Haviland] for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop in Cornehill, at the signe of the three Golden Lions neere the Royall Exchange, 1627) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Annotations upon the five books of Moses, the book of the Psalmes and the song of songs ( London, 1639) | BSB | | |
Annotations Upon the Fourth Book of Moses, Called Numbers: Wherin by Conference of the Scriptures, by Comparing the Greek and Chaldee Versions and Testimonies of Hebrew Writers, the Lawes and Ordinances Given of Old Unto Israel in this Book, are Explained, vol. 1 ( 1619) | GB | | |
Annotations Upon the Second Book of Moses, Called Exodus: Wherin by Conferring the Holy Scriptures, Comparing the Chaldee and Greek Versions and Other Records of the Hebrewes, Moses His Wordes, Lawes and Ordinances, are Explained, vol. 1 ( 1617) | GB | | |
Annotations Upon the Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus: Wherin, by Conferring the Holy Scriptures, by Comparing the Greek and Chaldee Versions, and Moniments of the Hebrewes, the Sacrifices and Other Legal Ordinances Heretofore Commanded of God to the Church of Israel, are Explained, vol. 1 ( 1618) | GB | | |
Apologie ofte Verantwoordinghe van alsulcke ware Christenen de welcke ghemeenlick (maer ten onrechte) ghenoemt worden Brovnisten .. ( 1612) | GB | | |
An arrovv against idolatrie. Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of hosts. By H.A. ( Amsterdam : [Successors of G. Thorp], 1624) | EEBO-TCP | | |
An Arrow Against Idolatrie: Taken Out of the Quiver of the Lord of Hosts ([by Giles Thorp], 1611) | GB | | |