Share:  Opera (25) | Theology (58) | | An account of the life of the late reverend Mr. David Brainerd, minister of the gospel, missionary to the Indians, from the honourable Society in Scotland, for the propagation of Christian knowledge, and pastor of a church of Christian Indians in New Jersey. Who died at Northampton in New-England, October 9, 1747, in the 30th year of his age. Chiefly taken from his own diary, and other private writings, written for his own use; and now published | | Edinburgh : John Gray and Gavin Alston, 1765 | IA |  |   |
Worcester, Mass. : Leonard Worcester, 1793 | IA |  |   |
1st ed. / Boston : D. Henchman, 1749 | IA |  |   |
A careful and strict enquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of will : which is supposed to be essential to moral agency, vertue and vice, reward and punishment, praise and blame ( Boston : Thomas Field, 1762) | GB |  |   |
A careful and strict enquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of will, which is supposed to be essential to moral agency, virtue and vice, reward and punishment, praise and blame | | Albany : Whiting, Backus & Whiting, 1804 | IA |  |   |
Boston ; London : Ret. Field, 1762 | IA |  |   |
Glasgow : David Niven, 1790 | GB |  |   |
1st ed. / Boston, N.E. : S. Kneeland, 1754 | IA |  |   |
4th ed. / London : J. Johnson, 1775 | IA |  |   |
4th ed. / Wilmington : James Adams, 1790 | IA |  |   |
5th ed. / London : J. Murgatroyd, 1790 | BNF |  |   |
A careful and strict inquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of will: which is supposed to be essential to moral agency, virtue and vice, reward and punishment, praise and blame, 3rd ed. ( London : J. Johnson, 1768) | GB |  |   |
A Dissertation concerning liberty and necessity : containing remarks on the essays of Dr. Samuel West, and on the writings of several other authors, on those subjects ( Worcester : Leonard Worcester, 1797) | IA |  |   |
A Divine and Supernatural Light, Immediately imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, Shown to be both a Scriptural, and Rational Doctrine. A Sermon Preach’d at Northampton, [Mass.], And Published at the Desire of some of the Hearers., ed. Reiner Smolinski [Electronic Texts in American Studies] ( Boston : S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1734) | UNL |  |   |
The Doctrine of original sin defended, evidences of its truth produced, and arguments to the contrary answered : containing in particular, a reply to the objections and arguings of Dr. John taylor, in his book, intitled, The Scripture doctrine of original sin proposed to free and candid examination ( Worcester : Isaiah Thomas, 1808) | IA |  |   |
Een bepaald en nauwkeurig onderzoek van de thans heerschende denkbeelden over de vrijheid van den wil, (...) lof en schande te behoren (Gisbert Timon van Paddenburg, 1774) | GB |  |   |