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« Samuel Ward (1572-1643)
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Samuel Ward (1577-1640)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (15 titles, 14 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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All in all. ... By Samuell Ward. (London : Aug. Mathewes for Iohn Marriott, and Iohn Grismand, 1622)
Balme from Gilead to recouer conscience. In a sermon preached at Pauls-Crosse, Octob. 20. 1616. By Samuel Ward, Bach. of Diuinitie, and preacher of Ipswich. (London : T[homas] S[nodham] for Roger Iackson, and William Bladen, and are to be sold neare the Conduit in Fleet-street, and at the signe of the Bible at the great north-doore of Pauls, 1618)
A coal from the altar, to kindle the holy fire of zeale. In a sermon preached at a generall visitation at Ipswich. By Samuell Ward, Bach. of Diuinity. (At London : H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Samuell Macham; and are to be sould at his shop in Pauls-church-yard, at the signe of the Buls-head, 1615)
The happinesse of practice. By Samuel VVard, Bachelour in Diuinity, and preacher of Ipswich. (London : [by George Purslowe] for Iohn Marriot, and Iohn Grismond, and are to be sold at their shops in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, and in Pauls Ally, at the signe of the Gunne, 1621)
Iethro's iustice of peace. A sermon preached at a generall assises held at Bury St. Edmunds, for the countie of Suffolke. By Samuel Ward Batchelour of Diuinitie. (London : Edw. Griffin for Iohn Marriot, and are to bee sold at his shop, at the signe of the white Flower-de-luce neere Fetter-lane end in Fleet-street, 1618)
Iethro's Jvstice of Peace: A Sermon Preached at a Generall Assises Held at Bvry St. Edmvnds, for the Countie of Suffolke, ed. Nathaniel Ward (London : Augustine Mathewes, 1621)
The life of faith by Samuel Ward ... (London : Augustine Mathewes, for Iohn Marriot and Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at their shops in Saint Dunstons Church-yard, and in Pauls Alley at the signe of the Gunne, 1621)
The life of faith in death¨ Exemplified in the liuing speeches of dying Christians. By Samuel VVard preacher of Ipswich. (London : Augustine Mathewes, for Iohn Marriot and Iohn Grismand, and are to bee sold at their shops in Saint Dunstons Church yard, and in Pauls Alley at the signe of the Gunne, 1622)
A most elegant and religious rapture:composed by Mr. Samuel Ward (that sometime famous and pious pastor at Ipswich) during his Episcopal imprisonment in the Gate-House, and by him dedicated to King Charles the First. Now, most exactly Englished by John Vicars. (London : Tho. Maxey, and are to be sold in Thames-street, neer St Benet Paul's Warf, 1649)
The papists powder treason 1588, Deo trin-vni Britanniae bis ultori in memoriam classis invincibilis subversae submersae : proditionis nesandae detectae disiectae : To God, in memorye of his double deliverance from ye invincible navie and ye unmatcheable powder treason, 1605 ([London] : and sould by P. Stent, sould by Iohn Overton, 1680)
A peace-offring to God for the blessings we enioy vnder his Maiesties reigne with a thanksgiuing for the Princes safe returne on Sunday the 5. of October. 1623. In a sermon preached at Manitree in Essex, on Thursday the 9. of October, next after his Highnesse happy arriuall. By Samuel Ward of Ipswich. (London : A[ugustine] Math[ewes] for Iohn Marriot, and Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at their shops in St. Dunstons Churchyard, and in Pauls Alley at the signe of the Gunne, 1624)
Sermons and treatises (Edinburgh : James Nichol, 1862)
Sermons and treatises : With memoir by J. C. Ryle. (Repr. from the ed. of 1636) (Edinburgh [u.a.] : Nichol [u.a.], 1862)
VVoe to drunkards. A sermon by Samuel Ward preacher of Ipswich. (London : A[ugustine] Math[ewes] for Iohn Marriott, and Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at their shops in St. Dunstons Church-yard, and in Pauls Alley at the signe of the Gunne, 1622)

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