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« François Fénelon (1651-1715)
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Dudley Fenner (c.1558-1587)
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Primary Sources (9 titles, 9 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The artes of logike and rethorike [sic] plainelie set foorth in the English tounge, easie to be learned and practised : togither vvith examples for the practise of the same for methode, in the gouernement of the familie, prescribed in the word of God, and for the whole in the resolution or opening of certayne partes of Scripture, according to the same. (Middelburg : [R. Schilders], 1584)
A brief treatise vpon the first table of the lavve orderly disposing the principles of religion, whereby we may examine our selues. Written by Maister Dudley Fenner, Minister of the Gospell. (Middelburg : R. Schilders, 1588)
Certain godly and learned treatises written by that worthie minister of Christe, M. Dudley Fenner; for the behoofe and edification of al those, that desire to grovv and increase in true godlines. The titles whereof, are set downe in the page following. (Edinburgh : Robert Waldegraue, printer to the Kings Maiestie, 1592)
Sacra theologia, sive Veritas quae est secundum pietatem / ad unicae et verae methodi leges descripta, et in decem libros per Dudleium Fennerum digesta ([Genevae] : apud Eustathium Vignon, 1586)
SACRA THEOLOGIA, SIVE Veritas quae est secundum Pietatem, Ad vnicae [et] verae methodi leges descripta, [et] in decem libros per DVDLEIVM FENNERVM digesta (Apvd Evstathivm Vignon, 1586)
A short and profitable treatise, of lavvfull and vnlavvfull recreations and of the right vse and abuse of those that are lavvefull. Written by M. Dudley Fenner, Preacher of the Word of God in Midlebrugh [sic]. 1587. (Midleburgh : Richard Schilders, 1590)
The vvhole doctrine of the Sacramentes plainlie and fullie set dovvne and declared out of the word of God. Written by Maister Dudley Fenner, and nowe published for the vse of the Church of God.
Middelborg : Richard Schilders, printer to the states of Zealande, 1588GB 

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