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« John Williams (1636-1709)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Roger Williams (c.1606-1683)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (10 titles, 12 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The bloody tenent yet more bloody: by Mr Cottons endevour to wash it white in the blood of the lambe : of whose precious blood, spilt in the blood of his servants ; and of the blood of millions spilt in former and later wars for conscience sake, that most bloody tenent of persecution for cause of conscience, upon a second tryal, is found now more apparently and more notoriously guilty. In this rejoynder to Mr Cotton, are principally I. The nature of persecution, II. The power of the civill sword in spirituals examined ; III. The Parliaments permission of dissenting consciences justified. Also (as a testimony to Mr Clarks narrative) is added a letter to Mr Endicot governor of the Massachusets in N.E (London : Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the black-spread-Eagle at the west-end of Pauls, 1652)
The bloudy tenent of persecution for cause of conscience discussed microform : and Mr. Cotton's letter examined and answered (London : Society by J. Haddon, 1848)
The bloudy tenent of persecution for cause of conscience discussed; and Mr. Cotton's letter examined and answered; (London : Hanserd Knollys Soc, 1848)
The bloudy tenent of persecution for cause of conscience discussed: and Mr. Cotton's letter examined and answered
ed. Edward Bean Underhill (Society by J. Haddon, 1848)GB 
London : Society by J. Haddon, 1848IA 
The bloudy tenent, of persecution, for cause of conscience : discussed in a conference between Truth and Peace : who, in all tender affection, present to the High Court of Parliament (as the result of their discourse) these (amongst other passages) of highest consideration, ed. Samuel Lunt Caldwell (Providence : Narragansett Club, 1867)
Experiments of spiritual life & health, and their preservatives in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spiritual life and blessednesse, and the strongest may finde discoveries of his Christian growth, and the means of it (Providence : Re-S.S. Rider, 1863)
Experiments of spiritual life & health, and their preservatives in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spirituall life and blessednesse ([Providence : S. Rider], 1863)
Experiments of spiritual life & health, and their preservatives: in which the weakest child of God may get assurance of his spiritual life and blessednesse, and the strongest may finde discoveries of his Christian growth, and the means of it (Providence : S.S. Rider, 1863) [Reprint of 1652 edition]
A key into the language of America
London, Printed by G. Dexter, 1643. [Providence : Reprinted 1827], 1827IA 
A key into the language of America: or, An help to the language of the natives in that part of America, called New-England. : Together, with briefe observations of the customes, manners and worships, &c. of the aforesaid natives, in peace and warre, in life and death. On all which are added spirituall observations, generall and particular by the authour, of chiefe and speciall use (upon all occasions,) to all the English inhabiting those parts; yet pleasant and profitable to the view of all men:, vol. 1 (London : Gregory Dexter, 1643)

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