Share: | | A faithfull Remonstrance of the holy life and happy death of John Bruen of Bruen-Stapelford in county of Chester, Esquire | | London, 1641 | BSB | | |
The Office and Use of the Morall Law of God in the Dayes of the Gospell, Iustified, and Explained at Large by Scriptures, Fathers, and Other Orthodox Diuines, So Farre as Occasion was Giuen by a Scandalous Pamphlet Sent Abroad of Late ... Pretending Great Reason and Reading for the Vtter ... (Iohn Haviland, 1622) | GB | | |
The office and vse of the morall law of God in the dayes of the Gospell, iustified, and explained at large by Scriptures, fathers, and other orthodoxe diuines, so farre as occasion was giuen by a scandalous pamphlet sent abroad of late into the hands of diuers good Christians, pretending great reason and reading for the vtter abrogating and abolishing of the whole law of Moses since the death of Christ ( London : J. Haviland for T. Pavier, 1623) | GB | | |
The very singular life of John Bruen, Esquire, of Bruen Stapleford, Cheshire : exhibiting a variety, vol. 1 ( New York : E.O. Jenkins, 1857) | IA | | |