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Catechism byrr sy'n cynnwys sylfeini crefydd christnogawl. (Printiedig yn y flwuddyn, 1657) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Christian Directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long | |
London, 1690 | BSB | | |
Christian directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long drawn up for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of Sepulchres parish ( London : R. Ibbitson and M. Wright ..., 1661) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Der Christliche Haußvater/ Oder Thomae Gouge wolgemeinte Ermahnung/ An Alle gottselige Haußväter/ wie sie sollen täglich mit ihrem Hause Gott dienen ( Berlin : Völcker, 1671) | SBB | | |
God's call to England, for thankfulness after gracious deliverances wherein is shewed, that our deliverances, not answered with reformation, will be followed with sorest destruction ( London : John Hancock ..., 1680) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Hyfforddiadau Christianogol: yn dangos pa fodd i rodio gyda Duw ar hyd y Dydd ( Printiedig yn Llundain : gan A. Maxwell i'r awdwr, 1675) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Principlau neu bennau y grefydd Ghristianogol a agorir fel y gallo y gwannaf eu deall ( [Llundain] : Printiedig yn Llundain gan A. Maxwell i'r awdwr yn y flwyddyn, 1676) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The principles of christian religion explained to the capacity of the meanest | |
London, 1690 | BSB | | |
London : R. Gifford, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London, 1690 | GB | | |
Rhesswmmau yscrythurawl yn profi mae dyledswydd pob maeth o wrandawyr (oddieithr y rhai sydd yn byw ar elusenau) yw cyfrannu yn ol eu gallu o bethu da'r byd hwn tuag at gynhaliaeth cyssurus eu gweinidogion, au athrawion ( [Llundain] : Printiedig yn Llundain gan Tho. Whitledge a W. Everingham, 1693) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Riches increas'd by giving to the poor. Repr ( London, 1856) | GB | | |
The surest & safest way of thriving, or, A conviction of that grand mistake in many, that what is given to the poor, is a loss to their estate : which is so directly contrary as to the experiences of the charitable : so to the testimony of God's spirit in divers places of Scripture ... by Thomas Gouge ... ( London : William Rawlins ..., 1673) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A word to sinners, and a word to saints. The former tending to the awakening the consciences of secure sinners, unto a lively sense and apprehension of the dreadfull condition they are in, so long as they live in their natural and unregenerate estate. The latter tending to the directing and perswading of the godly and regenerate unto several singular duties. As also a word to housholders stirring them up to the good old way of serving God in and with their families, from Joshuah's resolution, Josh. 24. 15. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Set forth especially for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of St. Sepulchres Parish, London by Tho. Gouge, late pastor thereof. ( London : George Sawbridge, living on Clerkenwell-Green, 1668) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The young man's guide through the wilderness of this world to the heavenly Canaan shewing him how to carry himself Christian-like in the whole course of his life ( London : S. and B.G. for Nevil Simmons ..., 1676) | EEBO-TCP | | |