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DieGöttliche Beschützung Ist der Menschen gewisseste Hülffe und Beschirmung zu allen Zeiten, auch in den grössesten Nöthen und Gefahren : Aus Erfahrung gelernet : Bey einer merckwürdigen Geschichte, da verschiedene Personen aus der grossen Wassers-Gefahr errettet worden, in dem sie nicht nur Schiffbruch erlitten, sondern auch aus den noch grausamern Rachen der Unmenschlichen Canibalen oder Menschen-fressern in Florida sind befreyet worden ( Germanton : Gedruckt und zu haben bey Christoph Saur, 1756) | GDZ | | |
Familiar Letters on a Variety of Seasonable and Important Subjects in Religion (W. Collins, 1829) | GB | | |
Familiar Letters to a Gentleman on Several Important Subjects in Religion (Religious tract society, 1835) | GB | | |
Familiar letters to a gentleman, upon a variety of ... subjects in religion ( 1772) | GB | | |
Familiar letters to a gentleman, upon a variety of seasonable and important subjects in religion | |
Philadelphia : Presbyterian board of publication, 1841 | IA | | |
Pittsburg, 1831 | IA | | |
Familiar Letters to a Gentleman: Upon a Variety of Seasonable and Important Subjects in Religion (Presbyterian board of publication, 1841) | GB | | |
Familiar letters to a gentleman: upon a variety of seasonable and important subjects in religion | |
W. Gray, 1784 | GB | | |
3rd ed. / R. Fleming and sold by Yair and Fleming, 1757 | GB | | |
Familiar letters upon a variety of religious subjects ( Glasgow : John Bryce, 1775) | IA | | |
Familiar Letters Upon a Variety of Religious Subjects..., 4th ed. (John Bryce, 1775) | GB | | |
God's Protecting Providence, man's surest help and defence, in times of the greatest difficulty, and most eminent danger. Evidenced in the remarkable deliverance of Robert Barrow, with divers other persons, from the devouring waves of the sea; amongst which they suffered shipwrack: and also ... (James Phillips, 1790) | GB | | |
Gods protecting providence, man's surest help and defence in the times of the greatest difficulty and most imminent danger evidenced in the remarkable deliverance of divers persons from the devouring waves of the sea, amongst which they suffered shipwrack : and also from the more cruelly devouring jawes of the inhumane canibals of Florida ( Printed in Philadelphia : Reinier Jansen, 1699) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Jonathan Dickinsons erstaunliche Geschichte von dem Schiffbruche, den einige Personen in dem Meerbusen von Florida erlitten; als auch wie sie aus dem unmenschlichen Rachen der Cannibalen und Menschenfressern sind befreyet worden : Nebst einem Anhang von William Flemmings Trübsalen, die er nebst seiner Frau erlitten, wie sie beyde bey dem verwichenen Einfall der Indianer in dem grossen Wald (Grät-Grov) bey Canagodschick in Pensylvanien sind gefangen genommen worden ; Nach dem Philadelplischen [!] Original. ( Frankfurt : Fleischer, 1774) | GDZ | | |
Ongelukkige schipbreuk en yslyke reystogt, van etlyke Engelschen, in den Jaare 1696 van Jamaika in West-Indiën, na Pennsylvania t'scheep gegaan, en in de Golf van Florida gestrand, alwaar zy onder de menschenëeters vervielen, en byna ongelooflyke weder-waerdigheden uytstonden (Pieter Vander Aa, 1707) | GB | | |
The Reasonableness of Christianity, in Four Sermons ... With a Preface by Mr. Foxcroft (Samuel Gerrish, 1732) | GB | | |
Sermons and tracts, separately published at Boston, Philadelphia, &c. ( Edinburgh : M. Gray [etc.], 1793) | IA | | |
The true Scripture doctrine concerning some important points of Christian faith: particularly, eternal election, original sin, grace in conversion, justification by faith, and the saints' perseverance. [Represented and applied in five discourses] ( Philadelphia : Presbyterian board of publication, [n.d.]) | IA | | |
The witness of the Spirit: A sermon preach'd at Newark in New-Jersey, May 7th, 1740. Wherein is distinctly shewn, in what way and manner the Spirit Himself beareth witness to the adoption of the children of God. On occasion of a wonderful progress of converting grace in those parts ..., 2nd ed. (S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1743) | GB | | |