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« Richard Watson (1612-1685)
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Richard Watson (1737-1816)
Traditionn/aReference Academic TitleRegius Prof. of Divinity, Cambridge (1771-?)
NotesRichard Watson, bishop of Llandaff and Anglican theologian is not to be confused with Richard Watson, the Methodist theologian (1781–1833), whose works lie beyond the periodization of PRDL
Primary Sources (46 titles, 75 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (64) | Philosophy (1) | Other (10)
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An address to the people of Great Britain (London : R. Faulder, 1798)
An Address to the People of Great Britain: By R. Watson, ..., 2nd ed. (R. Faulder, 1798)
An address to young persons, after confirmation (1817)
Anecdotes of the Life of Richard Watson ...: Written by Himself at Different Intervals, and Revised in 1814, 2nd ed., vol. 2 (T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1818)
Anecdotes of the life of Richard Watson Bishop of Landaff written by himself at different intervals and revised in 1814 (T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1817)
Anecdotes of the Life of Richard Watson, Bishop of Landaff, ed. Richard Watson (Prebendary of Llandaff and Wells) (Abraham Small, no. 112, Chesnut Street, two doors below the Post Office, 1818)
Anecdotes of the life of Richard Watson, Bishop of Landaff; (London ; Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, by J. M'Creery : Black-HorseCourt ;, 1817)
Anecdotes of the life of Richard Watson, Bishop of Llandaff (London Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies : J. M'Creery, 1817)
An apology for Christianity, in a series of letters, addressed to E. Gibbon, author of The decline and fall of the Roman empire, 5th ed. (1791)
An apology for Christianity, in a series of letters, addressed to Edward Gibbon, esq; author of The decline and fall of the Roman empire (Cambridge : J. Archdeacon [etc.], 1776)
An apology for Christianity: in a series of letters, addressed to Edward Gibbon (F. Archdeacon for T. & F. Merrill, 1776)
An Apology for the Bible, etc (J. & A. Duncan, 1796)
An apology for the Bible, in a series of letters addressed to Thomas Paine (New York : T. & J. Swords, 1796)
An Apology for the Bible, in a series of letters addressed to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled: (1819)
An apology for the Bible, in a series of letters, addressed to T. Paine, author of a book entitled, The age of reason, part the second (1796)
An Apology for the Bible, in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled, The Age of Reason, Part the Second ... Fifth edition (T. Evans, 1796)
An apology for the Bible, in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled, The age of reason, part the second, being an investigation of true and of fabulous theology (New York : Hunt & Eaton, 1796)
An apology for the Bible; [electronic resource] : in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled The age of reason, part the second, being an investigation of true and of fabulous theology. (Philadelphia: : W. Young, & Co. no. 52, corner of Second and Chesnut Streets, by W. Woodward., 1796)
An Apology for the Bible: In a Series of Letters Addressed to Thomas Paine, Author of a Book Entitled, (Hilliard and Brown, 1828)
A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Landaff, June, 1791 (1792)
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