Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share: | | An apologie for the ministry and its maintenance wherein is set forth the necessity, dignity and efficacy of a gospel-ministry against the Socinians, Swenckfieldians, Weigelians, Anabaptists, Enthusiasts, Familists, Seekers, Quakers, Levellers, Libertines and the rest of that rout ... ( London : A.W. for Joseph Crawford, 1660) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The beauty of holiness, or, A description of the excellency, amiablenes, comfort, and content which is to be found in wayes of purity and holinesse where you have that glorious attribute of Gods holinesse exactly setforth : together with the absolute necessity of our resembling him therein ... ( London : Evan Tyler for John Browne, 1655) | EEBO-TCP | | |
The beauty of magistracy : in an exposition of the 82 Psalm .. ( London : R.W. for Nevil Simmons, 1660) | IA | | |
The beauty of magistracy in an exposition of the 82 Psalm, where is set forth the necessity, utility, dignity, duty, and mortality of magistrates : here many other texts of Scripture occasionally are cleared, many quæries and cases of conscience about the magistrates power, are resolved, many anabaptistical cavils are confuted, and many seasonable observations containing many other heads of divinity, are raised : together with references to such authors as clear any point more fully ( London : R.W. for Nevil Simmons ..., and are to be sold by Thomas Johnson ..., 1660) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Chiliasto-mastix redivivus, sive Homesus enervatus.: A confutation of the millenarian [sic] opinion, plainly demonstrating that Christ will not reign visibly and personally on earth with the saints for a thousand yeers either before the day of judgement, in the day of judgement, or after it: where you also have many texts of scripture vindicated from the vain glosses of one Dr. Homes, a great Millenarian [sic], and all of his cavils (of any consequence) refelled and answered. With a word to our Fifth Monarch-Men, whose dangerous practises of late, clearly shew that this opinion leads to schisme, and sedition in church and state. ( London : John Starkey, at the Miter, at the west end of Pauls, 1657) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Comarum akosmia the loathsomnesse of long haire, or, A treatise wherein you have the question stated, many arguments against it produc'd, and the most materiall arguguments [sic] for it refell'd and answer'd : with the concurrent judgement of divines both old and new against it : with an appendix against painting, spots, naked breasts, &c. ( London : J.G. for Nathanael Webb and William Grantham ..., 1654) | EEBO-TCP | | |
An exposition by way of supplement, on the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth chapters of the prophecy of Amos where you have the text fully explained ... : together with a confutation of Dr. Holmes, and Sir Henry Vane, in the end of the commentary ( London : Henry Mortlock ..., 1661) | EEBO-TCP | | |
An exposition by way of supplement, on the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth chapters of the prophecy of Amos. Together with a confutation of dr. Homes, and sir Henry Vane ( London : Henry Mortlock, 1661) | GB | | |
Funebria floræ the downfall of May-games: wherein is set forth the rudeness, prophaneness, stealing, drinking, fighting, dancing, whoring, mis-rule, mis-spence of precious time, contempt of God, and godly magistrates, ministers and people, which oppose the rascality and rout, in this their open prophanenesse, and heathenish customs. Occasioned by the generall complaint of the rudenesse of people in this kind, in this interval of settlement. Here you have twenty arguments against these prophane sports, and all the cavills made by the belialists for the time refelled and answered. Together with an addition of some verses in the cloze, for the delight of the ingenious reader. By Tho. Hall, B.D. and pastor of Kings-norton. ( London : Henry Mortlock, at the Phœnix in St. Pauls Church-yard, near the little north-door, 1661) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A practical and polemical commentary, or, exposition upon the third and fourth chapters of the latter epistle of Saint Paul to Timothy wherein the text is explained, some controversies discussed, sundry cases of conscience are cleared, many common places are succinctly handled, and divers usefull and seasonable observations raised ( London : E. Tyler for John Starkey ..., 1658) | EEBO-TCP | | |
A practical and polemical commentary: or, exposition upon the third and fourth chapters of the latter epistle of Saint Paul to Timothy, wherein the text is explained, some controversies discussed, sundry cases of conscience are cleared, many common places are succinctly handled, and divers ... ( Henry Mortlock : E. Tyler, for John Starkey, 1658) | GB | | |
The pulpit guarded with XVII arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching, and expounding the Scriptures without a call ... : occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20, 1650 ... : in the close are added six arguments, to prove our ministers free from antichristianism ( London : J. Cottrel, for E. Blackmore ..., 1651) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Samaria's downfall, or, A commentary (by way of supplement) on the five last verses of the thirteenth chapter of Hosea wherein is set forth, Ephraim's dignity, duty, impenitency, and downfall : very suitable to, and seasonable for, these present times, where you have the text explained, sundry cases of conscience cleared, many practical observations raised (with references to such authors as clear any point more fully) : and a synopsis or brief character of the twenty kings of Israel, with some useful inferences from them ( London : R.I. for Jo. Cranford ..., 1660) | EEBO-TCP | | |
To Halas tēs gēs. Sive Apologia pro ministerio evangelico : in quâ planè & plenè ostenditur eius necessitas, dignitas, efficacia & vtilitas ... ( Francofurti : Broun, 1658) | BSB | | |
Vindiciæ literarum, the schools guarded, or, The excellency and vsefulnesse of humane learning in subordination to divinity, and preparation to the ministry as also, rules for the expounding of the Holy Scriptures : with a synopsis of the most materiall tropes and figures contained in the sacred scriptures : whereunto is added, an examination of John Websters delusive Examen of academies | | London : W.H. for Nathanael Webb, & William Grantham ..., 1655 | GB | | |