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Richard Hooker (1554-1600)
TraditionAnglican, ReformedReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (19 titles, 32 vols.) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (23) | Theology (9)
Results 1-9
The Ecclesiastical polity and other works of Richard Hooker: with his life by I. Walton. To which are added, the 'Christian letter' to mr. Hooker; and dr. Covel's 'Just and temperate defence' in reply to it [&c.] an intr. and notes by B. Hanbury, ed. Benjamin Hanbury
ed. Benjamin Hanbury (1830)GB 
Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie : eight books (London : William Stansbye, 1622)
Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie: suivi de Certain divine tractates ; puis de Two sermons upon part of S. Judes Epistle (London : William Stansbye and are to be sold by George Lathum, 1636)
Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie: The Sixth and Eighth Books (Bishop, 1648)
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, vol. 2 (Binghamton, N.Y. : Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, 1993)
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity: Introductions, Commentary, ed. W. Speed Hill, vol. 1 [The Folger Library Edition of The Works of Richard Hooker, vol. 6] (Binghamton, N.Y. : Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, 1993) [This is not the actual work by Hooker, it is a set of introductions and commentary as part of the set.]
The works of that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Richard Hooker: in eight books of Ecclesiastical polity, ed. John Gauden (R. White, for R. Scot [etc.] and are to be sold by R. Boulter, 1676)

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