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« Heinrich Höpfner (1582-1642)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Ezekiel Hopkins (1634-1690)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (23 titles, 40 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (21) | Theology (19)
Results 1-19
Death disarm'd of its sting. To which is added, A discourse of redemption from the curse of the law (1712)
Death disarmed of its sting, and miscellaneous sermons (1863)
Discourses concerning sin, the two covenants, the two sacraments, and practical religion (1863)
The doctrine of the two covenants, wherein the nature of original sin is at large explain'd ... : with a discourse of glorifying God in his attributes (London : Richard Smith, 1712)
The doctrine of the two covenants, wherein the nature of original sin is explained and St. Paul and St. James reconciled in the great article of justification (London : Relig. Tract Soc., 1799)
The Doctrine of the Two Sacraments. The Way of Salvation; the Pleasantness of that Way, and Beauty of Holiness ... To which is Subjoin'd, a Sermon Against Rebellion, Etc (1712)
The doctrine of the two sacraments. The way of salvation. To which is subjoin'd, A sermon against rebellion. With an appendix (1712)
An exposition of the Ten Commandments
New York : American Tract Society, 1846IA 
New York : American Tract Society, 1860IA 
An exposition on the Lord's Prayer
London : Ranew, 1692GB 
London : Ranew u.a., 1692BSB 
An Exposition on the Ten Commandments: With Other Sermons (London : Thomas Parkhurst, ... and Nathanael Ranew and Jonathan Robinson, 1692)
The Lord's Prayer and the Doctrine of the Two Covenants (religious tract society, 1846)
Memoir of the author, and expositions of the Lord's prayer and the decalogue (1863)
A practical exposition on the Lord's prayer
Religious Tract Society, 1710GB 
The Vanity of the World (London : Nathaniel Ranew and Jonathan Robinson at the Angel in Jewen-street, 1668)
The Vanity of the World. With Other Sermons, vol. 1 (Nathanael Ranew, Jonathan Robinson&Benjamin Tooke, 1685)

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