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« Gilles de Launay (c.1600-c.1675)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Pierre de Launay (1573-1661)
TraditionReformedReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (9 titles, 10 vols.) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
Roussel, Bernard. "Exegetical Fictions? Biblical Paraphrases of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries" in Holy Scripture speaks: the production and reception of Erasmus' Paraphrases on the New Testament, ed. Hilmar M. Pabel and Mark Vessey (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2002) pp. 59-83

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“Pierre de Launay”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
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