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« Ferdinando Shaw (fl.1713-1730)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Samuel Shaw (1635-1696)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (6 titles, 10 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (4) | Theology (6)
Results 1-6
Emmanuel, or, A discovery of true religion : as it imports a living principle in the minds of men, and On communion with God (Glasgow : William Collins, 1829)
Emmanuel; or, A discovery of true religion: as it imports a living principle in the minds of men, and on communion with God (W. Collins, 1829)
Immanuel Or True Religion, a Living Principle in the Minds of Men, and Welcome to Affliction (The religious tract society, 1848)
Sermons upon several important subjects: containing A welcome to the plague,A farwell to life, and The angelical life, 4th ed. (G.Wilson, 1804)
VindiciƦ foederis, or, A treatise of the covenant of God enterd with man-kinde in the several kindes and degrees of it, in which the agreement and respective differences of the covenant of works and the covenant of grace, of the old and new covenant are discust ... / [by] Thomas Blake ... ; whereunto is annexed a sermon preached at his funeral by Mr. Anthony Burgesse, and a funeral oration made at his death by Mr. Samuel Shaw., 2nd ed. (London : Abel Roper, 1658) / added author(s): Thomas Blake, Anthony Burgess
The voice of one crying in a wilderness: or, The business of a Christian ... Represented in several sermons, under the following titles, viz. A welcome to the plague, A farewel to life, The angelic life. ... (T. Baldwin, 1769)

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