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Share:  Theology (9) | Philosophy (1) |
... de semine Messiae, ex Jes. LIII. com. 10. contra Iudaeos ex Iudaeis disputatio prima ... ( Wittenbergae : Henckel, 1686) | BSB |  |   |
| SLUB |  |   |
De Peccatorum Syngrapha Per Christi Sanguinem Deleta ( Quedlimburgi : Sievertus, 1700) | SBB |  |   |
| BSB |  |   |
Disputationum Hamburgensium octava edisserit resurrectionem carnis ignotam rationi ( Hamburgi, 1697) | SLUB |  |   |
Horarum Philologicarum In Amen Impensarum Ratio ( Wittebergae : Schrödterus, 1687) | BSB |  |   |
| BSB |  |   |
Isaacum Vossium Anebraisias Insimulant atq[ue] convincunt Praeses Gerhardus Meier, S. Theol. Lic. Ampl. Fac. Phil. Witt. ... Atque Respondens-Auctor, M. Johannes Weinberg, Hamburgenses. A. M.DC. XCII. ad d. VI. Maii ... ( [Wittenberg] : Henckelius, 1692) | HAB |  |   |
Meditationes succisivae, ton kyrion polysplanchnon ex Jerem. 31, 20 ... illustrantes ( Witteberga, 1690) | BSB |  |   |