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« Christopher Anderdon (1615-1694)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Anderdon (c.1624-1685)
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Primary Sources (3 titles, 3 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Against Babylon and her merchants in England one groan more breathed forth from the grief of the spirit, for the sufferings of the saints ... (London : Robert Wilson ..., 1660)
A call to all bishops and others who are zealous for the Book of Common Prayer (for which I have been also sometimes zealous) by way of remembrance : now to come to the way of the Quakers to the grace of God ... (1670)
One blow at Babel in those of the people called Behmenites whose foundation is not upon that of the prophets ... but upon their own carnal conceptions begotten in their imaginations upon Jacob Behmen's writings &c. ... (London, 1662)

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