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« John Erskine (1695-1768)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Erskine (1721-1803)
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Primary Sources (4 titles, 5 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Discourses preached on several occasions
Edinburgh : D. Willison for William Creech [etc.], 1801IA 
Edinburgh : G. & J. Ross for Ogle & Aikman [etc.], 1804IA 
Sketches ad hints of church history, and theological controversy, vol. 1 (M. Gray., 1790)
Sketches and hints of church history, and theological controversy: Chiefly translated or abridged from modern foreign writers. By John Erskine, ... (M. Gray, 1790)
Theological dissertations : containing, I. The nature of the Sinai Covenant. II. The character and privileges of the Apostolic Churches, with an examination of Dr. Taylor's key to the Epistles. III. The nature of saving faith. IV. The law of nature sufficiently promulgated to the heathens. V. An attempt to promote the frequent dispensing the Lord's Supper (London : Edward and Charles Dilly, 1765)

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