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Richard Sibbes (c.1577-1635)
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Beames of divine light breaking forth from severall places of holy Scripture, as they were learnedly opened, in XXI. sermons. The III. first being the fore-going sermons to that treatise called The bruised-reed, preached on the precedent words. By the late reverend and iudicious divine, Richard Sibs, D.D. Mr. of Katharine Hall in Camb: and sometimes preacher at Grayes Inne. Published according to the Doctor his owne appointment subscribed with his hand; to prevent imperfect coppies. (London : G[eorge] M[iller and Elizabeth Purslowe] for N. Bourne, at the Royal Exchange, and R Harford, at the guilt Bible in Queenes-head Alley in Pater Noster-Row, 1639)
Beames of divine light, breaking forth from severall places of Holy Scripture, as they were learnedly opened, in XXI. sermons ; The III. first being the fore-going sermons to that treatise called The bruised-reed, preached on the precedent words, by ... Richard Sibs .. (London : G. M. for N. Bourne, and R. Harford, 1639)
Beames of divine light, breaking forth from severall places of holy Scripture, in xxi. sermons, ed. John Sedgwick (London : G.M. for N. Bourne & R Harford, 1639)
Bovvels opened, or, A discovery of the neere and deere love, union and communion betwixt Christ and the Church, and consequently betwixt Him and every beleeving soule. Delivered in divers sermons on the fourth fifth and sixt chapters of the Canticles. By that reverend and faithfull minister of the Word, Doctor Sibs, late preacher unto the honourable societie of Grayes Inne, and Master of Katharine Hall in Cambridge. Being in part finished by his owne pen in his life time, and the rest of them perused and corrected by those whom he intrusted with the publishing of his works. (London : G[eorge] M[iller] for George Edwards in the Old Baily in Greene-Arbour at the signe of the Angell, 1639)
Bowels opened : or, A discovery of the neere and deere love, union and communion betwixt Christ and the Church, and consequently betwixt Him and every beleeving soule ; Delivered in divers sermons on the fourth, fifth and sixt chapters of the Canticles (London : G.M. for George Edwards, 1641)
A breathing after God. Or a Christians desire of Gods presence. By the late reverent and worthy divine Richard Sibs, Doctor in Divinity, master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and sometime preacher of Graies-Inne. (London : Iohn Dawson for R. M[abb] and are to be sold by Thomas Slater, at the Swan in Duck-lane, 1639)
The brides longing for her bride-groomes second comming. A sermon preached at the funerall of the right worshipfull, Sir Thomas Crevv, knight, sergeant at law to his maiestie. By the late learned and reverend divine, Rich. Sibs. (London : E. P[urslow] for E. Langham, in Bambury, 1638)
The bruised reed and smoking flax. With intr. essay by A. Beith (1878)
The bruised reede and smoaking flax, 3rd ed. (London : M. F[lesher] for R. Dawlman at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1631)
The bruised reede, and smoaking flax. Some sermons contracted out of the 12. of Matth. 20. At the desire, and for the good of weaker Christians. By R. Sibbes. D.D. (London : [by M. Flesher] for R. Dawlman, dwelling at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1630)
Bruydegoms Belofte En Bryds Gebedt : Ofte Lijck-reden, ter begraevenis van den Hoogwaerden Heer Thomas Krew, Ridder (1750)
Bruydegoms Belofte En Bryds Gebedt: Ofte Lijck-reden, ter begraevenis van den Hoogwaerden Heer Thomas Krew, Ridder (1750)
The Christians end. Or, The sweet soveraignty of Christ, over his members in life and death. VVherein is contained the whole scope of the godly mans life, with divers rules, motives and incouragements, to live and die to Iesus Christ. Being the substance of five sermons preached to the honorable society of Grayes Inne, by that learned and faithfull minister of Gods Word, Richard Sibbes, D.D. and sometimes preacher to that honorable societie. (London : Thomas Harper [and Eliot's Court Press], for Lawrence Chapman, and are to be sold at his shop at Chancery lane end next Holborne, 1639)
The Christians portion. Wherein is unfolded the unsearchable riches he hath by his interest in Christ. Whom injoying hee possesseth all things else. By R. Sibbs D.D. and preacher to the honorable society of Grayes-Inne, and master of Catherine Hall in Cambridge. Published by T.G. and P.N. (London : John Norton for John Rothvvell, and are to be sold at the Sunne in Pauls Church-yard, 1637)
Christs exaltation purchast by humiliation. Wherein you may see mercy and misery meete together. Very vsefull I. For instructing the ignorant. II. For comforting the weake. III. For confirming the strong. By R. Sibbs D.D. and preacher of Grayes-Inne, London. Published by T.G. and P.N. (London : Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by Iohn Bartlet at his shop, at the signe of the guilt Cup, neere S. Austins gate, 1639)
A consolatory letter to an afflicted conscience full of pious admonitions and divine instructions (London : Francis Coules, 1641)
D. Richard Sibbs, berühmten Lehrers in Engeland Wahrer Seelen-Friede : bestehend In zwo Abhandlungen Deren Erstere Die Beruhigung der verunruhigten Seele lehret und die Andere Die Kunst der wahren Genügsamkeit anweiset ; Nebst einer Vorrede von dem Leben und Schrifften des Verfassers (Eisenach : Grießbach, 1740)
Divine meditations and holy contemplations ... (J. Buckland, 1775)
Divine meditations and holy contemplations. By that reverende divine R. Sibbes D.D. Master of Catherine Hall in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Grayes Inne in London. (London : Tho. Cotes for Iohn Crooke and Richard Sergier and are to be sold at the signe of the Gray-hound in Pauls Church-yard, 1638)
Evangelicall sacrifices. In xix. sermons. I. Thankfull commemorations for Gods mercy in our great deliverance from the papists powder-plot. 2. The successefull seeker. 3. Faith triumphant. 4. Speciall preparations to fit us for our latter end in foure funerall sermons. 5. The faithfull covenanter. 6. The demand of a good conscience. 7. The sword of the wicked. By the late learned and reverend divine, Rich. Sibbs. Doctor in Divinity, Mr. of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher to the honourable society of Grayes-Inne. The third tome. Published and perused by D. Sibbs owne appointment, subscribed with his hand to prevent imperfect copies after his decease. (London : T[homas] B[adger and Elizabeth Purslowe] for N. Bourne, at the Royall Exchange, and R. Harford, at the guilt Bible in Queenes-head Alley in Pater-noster-Row, 1640)
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