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« David Hartley (1705-1757)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Thomas Hartley (c.1709-1784)
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Primary Sources (7 titles, 7 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Conversion Founded on Conviction of Sin. A Sermon Preached in the Parish-church of All-Saints, in Northampton, on Sunday, October 30, 1748. By Thomas Hartley, ... (B. Dod; and J. Waugh, 1748)
A discourse on mistakes concerning religion, enthusiasm, experiences, &c. (London : printed, Germantown reChristopher Sower, 1760)
A discourse on mistakes concerning religion, enthusiasm, experiences, &c. Repr. [Followed by] Christ's spirit, a Christian's strength, or, A plain discovery of the mighty and invincible power, that all believers receive through the gift of the Spirit, by W. Dell [and] The stumbling-stone, by W. Dell (1759) / added author(s): William Dell
Paradise restored: or, a testimony to the doctrine of the blessed millenium: with some considerations on its approaching advent from the signs of the times. To which is added, a short defence of the mystical writers, against a late work (by Bp. Warburton) intitled, The doctrine of grace, or the ... (1764)
Quaestiones Novem de Trinitate, Etc. Ad Emanuelem Swedenborg Propositae a Thoma Hartley, Tum Illius Responsa: Ad Fidem Editionis Principis 1785 Londini Excusae, Typis Roberti Hindmarsh ... (American Swedenborg printing and publishing society, 1904)
Sermons on various subjects : with a prefatory discourse on on mistakes concerning religion, enthusiasm, experiences, etc (London : R. Manby, and J. Whiston and B. White, 1755)
Sermons on Various Subjects: With a Prefatory Discourse on Mistakes Concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, Experiences, &c (author; and sold, 1754)

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