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William Tyndale (c.1494-1536)
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Primary Sources (48 titles, 93 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An answer to Sir T. More's dialogue, the Supper of the Lord after the meaning of John vi. and 1 Cor. xi. and W. Tracy's Testament expounded by William Tyndale, Martyr 1536 (Cambridge Univertity Press, 1801)
An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue, The supper of the Lord, after the true meaning of John VI. and 1 Cor. XI., and Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded
Cambridge : University Press, 1850IA 
An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue: The supper of the Lord after the true meaning of John VI. and 1 Cor. XI. And Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded
University press, 1850GB 
An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue: the supper of the Lord after the true meaning of John VI. and 1 Cor. XI. and Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded (University Press, 1850)
An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue: The supper of the Lord after the true meaning of John VI. and 1 Cor. XI. And Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded (University press, 1850)
An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue: The Supper of the Lord, after the true meaning of John 6, and 1 Cor., 11; and Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded. Edited for the Parker Society by Henry Walter (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1850)
A briefe declaration of the sacraments expressing the fyrst oryginall how they came vp, a[n]d were institute with the true and mooste syncere meaning and vnderstandyng of the same very necessarye for all men, that wyl not erre in the true vse and receauing therof. Compyled by the godly learned man Wyllyam Tyndall. (London : Robert Stoughton. Dwellynge within Ludgate, at the sygne of the Bisshoppes Miter, 1548)
A compendious introduccion, prologe or preface vn to the pistle off Paul to the Romayns. (Worms : P. Schoeffer, 1526)
Doctrinal treatises : and introductions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures (Cambridge : University Press, 1848)
Doctrinal treatises and introductions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures
Cambridge University Press, 1848GB 
Cambridge Univertity Press, 1848GB 
ed. Henry Walter (University Press, 1848)GB 
The English hexapla : exhibiting the six important English translations of the New Testament Scriptures, Wiclif, M.CCC.LXXX., Tyndale, M.D.XXXIV., Cranmer, M.D.XXXIX., Genevan, M.D.LVII., Anglo-Rhemish, M.D.LXXXII., Authorised, M.DC.XI. : the original Greek text after Scholz, with the various readings of the textus receptus and the principal Constantinopolitan and Alexandrine manuscripts, and a complete collation of Scholz's text with Griesbach's edition of M.DCCC.V : preceded by an historical account of the English translations (London : S. Bagster, 1841)
Expositions and notes on sundry portions of the Holy Scriptures, together with the Practice of prelates. by William Tyndale, Martyr 1536 (Cambridge Univertity Press, 1849)
Expositions and notes on sundry portions of the Holy Scriptures: together with the practice of prelates
University press, 1849GB 
University Press, 1849GB 
Expositions and notes on sundry portions of the Holy Scriptures: together with The practice of prelates
University press, 1849GB 
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