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« Alexander Douglas (fl.1681-1692)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Thomas Douglas (fl.1661-)
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Primary Sources (2 titles, 2 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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GMartúrion Hristianón, katà Cyr-eiko-douleuóntwn, or, A Christian and sober testimony against sinfull complyance, by Christophilus Antichristomachus (1664)
Jerubbaal: or, A vindication of the Sober testimony against sinful complyance, from the exceptions of Mr. Tombs, in answer to his Theodulia. Wherein the unlawfulness of hearing the present conforming ministers, is more largely discussed, and proved. The arguments produced in the Sober testimony ... (in the year, 1668)

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